[Abstract]:Chen Yi is a famous contemporary composer in China and the first female master's degree in composition. She is an influential musician, music educator and music society activist in the world. Her music is diverse and rich in content, including large orchestra, chamber music, vocal music, piano music and so on. Chen Yi is good at expressing Chinese style and charm with modern techniques and folk music materials. Her works are deeply loved by people with distinctive personality and unique charm. Her works are based on Chinese traditional culture and use new ideas and techniques. Combine the natural and colorful music of the East and the West. This paper mainly adopts the research methods of analysis, literature and comparison, referring to a large number of works and theoretical documents, studies some of Chen Yi's orchestral works and chamber music works, and tries to analyze and comb their creative techniques. Summing up the technical characteristics and style characteristics of the theme materials in his works "four Seasons", trying to clearly show his musical style and features, and explaining the deep connotation of music as much as he can. In order to show the creation of Chen Yi in modern Chinese music has an important position.
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