[Abstract]:The theory of change in Tang and Song dynasties has been developed for more than a hundred years since it was put forward in the field of history, and has gradually become a hot topic in academic research, which basically constitutes a unique research horizon and paradigm in the study of historiography in Tang and Song dynasties. The change of political power in the Tang and Song dynasties does not represent the change and breakage of thought and culture, and there is a certain continuity and expansion of the cultural history and ideological history. The theory of transformation in the middle Tang Dynasty is not parallel to the track of the development of the history of music thought, and the change of the history of music thought occurred as early as in the early Tang Dynasty. The transformation of music thought in Tang and Song dynasties is multi-level and multi-oriented, and the theoretical study of "Tang and Song Transformation Theory" in the history of music thought needs to be deepened and expanded. The author puts forward a botched opinion on the history of music thought in the change Theory of Tang and Song dynasties, and implores Fang Jia to correct it.
【作者单位】: 中国音乐学院;
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