[Abstract]:Although the piano is a solo instrument, because of its multi-tone characteristics, the multi-tone thinking of orchestra is more embodied in the works. In particular, the level of strength in piano works is not only reflected in the strength mark marked by the composer on the score, but also in the analysis of the work with multi-tone thinking, through careful reading of the beat mark of the music. At the same time, we should see the changes implied by the beat in the music, as well as the typical rhythm type commonly used in the music, and analyze the intensity changes represented by the beat and rhythm. It is also necessary to see the change of the sound area of the music and the change of the direction of the single part and the multiple parts, and analyze the change of the intensity implied in it. At the same time, taking into account the relationship between the sound part and the number of the sound part, the relationship between the primary and secondary melodies and the presentation and the number of the sound parts at the climax is analyzed. It also analyzes the tonal nature of the music and the functional meaning of each chord and the structure of the chord, as well as the types of chords and their solutions, and experiences the implied changes in intensity. Only by analyzing the music score in an all-round way can we fully understand the composer's idea of dealing with it in his works, accurately express the composer's creative intention, and only form such a multi-tone reading spectrum thinking. Only in order to understand the correct way of strength expression in the creation of piano works, to form a good thinking of strength treatment, and to better complete the analysis and performance of piano works.
【作者单位】: 太原师范学院音乐系;
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