本文关键词:唐宋宫廷宴乐表演体制比较研究 出处:《河南大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 在唐宋时期的宫廷音乐生活中,宴乐是一种很重要的音乐活动,同时也是国家政治生活中不可缺少的一部分。唐宋时期的宴乐是中国音乐史研究中的一个重大问题,倍受学者们的关注,出现了不少研究成果。但仍有诸多问题未能得到解决,我们注意到唐宋两个时期宫廷宴乐表演体制之间的关系就是目前研究中较为薄弱的一个环节。 本文在唯物史观的指导下,通过对相关唐宋音乐史料的收集、整理、汇总与分析,以唐宋时期的宫廷宴乐表演体制为研究对象,主要采用文献考证法、比较研究法、逻辑分析法来展开论述,探讨了唐宋两代各自在宫廷宴乐表演体制上的特征,研究了二者之间的一系列问题。我们只有把二者放在一个整体的范畴内去加以认识,才能更深刻地理解它们之间的内在联系,割裂任何一方都不能完整地把握和认识唐宋时期宫廷宴乐表演体制之间的关系。 全文除去序言和结语共分两部分: 一、唐宋宫廷宴乐表演体制的特征。唐代宫廷宴乐表演体制的特征为“分部奏曲”,指出唐代宴乐表演过程中宴乐节目是以音乐类别来依次进行表演的。宋代宫廷宴乐表演体制的特征为“分盏奉乐”,每一宴乐表演节目均依行盏仪式及次数进行演出。 二、唐宋宫廷宴乐表演体制之比较。从礼仪程式、表演内容、节目安排、组织仪式等方面进行比较研究,指出唐宋时期宴乐表演体制所存在的共通性和差异性,并分析了产生这些共通性和差异性的原因。并在此基础上,认为二者应是一种承继关系。
[Abstract]:In the court music life of Tang and Song dynasties, banquet music is a very important musical activity. At the same time, it is also an indispensable part of national political life. The banquet music in the Tang and Song dynasties is an important issue in the study of Chinese music history, which has attracted the attention of scholars. There are a lot of research results, but there are still many problems can not be solved, we notice that the relationship between the Tang and Song dynasties court banquet performance system is a relatively weak link in the current study. Under the guidance of historical materialism, through the collection, collation, collection and analysis of the relevant historical data of Tang and Song music, this paper takes the performing system of court banquets in Tang and Song dynasties as the research object, and mainly adopts the method of literature research. The comparative research method and the logic analysis method are discussed, and the characteristics of the Tang and Song dynasties in the performance system of court banquets are discussed. This paper studies a series of problems between them. Only when we put them in a whole category can we understand the inner relationship between them more deeply. Neither party can fully grasp and understand the relationship between the performance system of court banquets and music in Tang and Song dynasties. Apart from the preamble and the conclusion, the full text is divided into two parts: First, the characteristics of the Tang and Song court banquets performance system. It is pointed out that in the Tang Dynasty banquets are performed in turn according to the types of music. The characteristics of the performance system in the Song Dynasty are as follows: "Dianzao Bong Yue". Each banquets are performed according to ceremony and frequency. Second, the Tang and Song court banquet performance system comparison. From the etiquette program, performance content, program arrangement, organization ceremony and other aspects of comparative research. This paper points out the commonality and difference of the banquet performance system in the Tang and Song dynasties, and analyzes the reasons for these commonalities and differences. On the basis of this, the author thinks that the two should be a kind of inheritance relationship.
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