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发布时间:2018-04-01 21:33

  本文选题:祁太秧歌 切入点:艺术 出处:《首都师范大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 祁太秧歌,即以祁县、太谷为中心发展形成的地方小戏。主要辐射影响区域涉及文水、交城、孝义、汾阳、阳曲、太原南郊、清徐等周边十余县。目前,山西省已将祁太秧歌列入本省50个非物质文化遗产项目之一拟申报晋升国家级。 笔者通过深入祁太等地进行实地采访,收集了大量的有关祁太秧歌的第一手资料,从探究祁太秧歌的起源、发展、演变等入手,着重对祁太秧歌的艺术审美进行了探索研究。指出:祁太秧歌的发展基本经历了由田歌、踏歌、歌舞小戏到戏曲化的几个阶段;从创作方法与表现手法、乡土语言特色、音乐、表演及舞美等多方面进行了深入细致的研究。它那优美的声腔表演、自成体系的器乐记谱方法以及独具特色的区域性方言、粗犷的民俗特征,都具有极高的艺术和学术研究价值,已成为音乐、戏剧学者进行再创作取之不尽的原生态源泉。 本文还对祁太秧歌的选材和内容进行了较为详尽的归纳分析,由此也可以折射出在特定历史背景下晋中一带的社会、人文、地理、政治、经济状况乃至晋商文化等,这也正是祁太秧歌历史价值的重要体现。 当前祁太秧歌主要存在的问题为:传统剧目失落,流布范围萎缩,传承人员老化,,艺术特征被同化,研究创作环境薄弱,保护资金短缺。祁太秧歌正濒临着自然消亡和被社会淘汰的危险。为了拯救和保护祁太秧歌这一三晋大地独有的艺术之花,社会各界都应对其投入足够的关注,各级相关部门都应采取强有力的措施对其进行必要的保护,使祁太秧歌这枚民间艺术瑰宝能够得到更好的传承、创新与发展。
[Abstract]:Qi Tai Yangge, a local opera formed by the development of Qi County and Taigu. The main radiation impact areas involve Wenshui, Jiaocheng, Xiaoyi, Fenyang, Yangqu, the southern suburbs of Taiyuan, Qingxu and other surrounding counties. At present, Shanxi Province has listed Qi Taiyangge as one of the 50 intangible cultural heritage projects in the province to be promoted to the national level. The author conducted a field interview in Qidai and other places, collected a large number of first-hand information about the Yangko of Qitai, and began with the exploration of the origin, development and evolution of the Yangko. It is pointed out that the development of Qi Tai Yangge has gone through several stages from Tian Ge, treading songs, singing and dancing operas to opera, from creative methods and techniques of expression, local language characteristics, music, etc. The performance, dance beauty and other aspects have been studied in depth and meticulous. Its beautiful vocal performance, its own instrumental music notation method, unique regional dialects, rough folklore characteristics, Both have high artistic and academic value, and have become the original source of music and drama scholars' re-creation. This paper also makes a detailed summary and analysis of the selection and content of Qi Taiyangge, which can also reflect the social, cultural, geographical, political, economic and cultural conditions in Jinzhong under the specific historical background. This is also an important embodiment of the historical value of the Yangko. At present, the main problems of Qitai Yangge are: the loss of traditional repertoire, the shrinking of the scope of distribution, the aging of inheritors, the assimilation of artistic features, and the weakness of the research and creation environment. Protection funds are short. Qi Tai Yangge is on the verge of natural extinction and being eliminated by society. In order to save and protect Qi Tai Yangge, a unique artistic flower of the three Jin dynasties, all sectors of society should devote sufficient attention to it. Relevant departments at all levels should take strong measures to protect it so that Qi Taiyangge, a treasure of folk art, can be better inherited, innovated and developed.


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