本文选题:西安鼓乐社 + 民俗活动 ; 参考:《西安音乐学院》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 目前,在我国境内流传着迄今发现并保存最完整的一个大型民间器乐乐种,它就是陕西的西安鼓乐。西安鼓乐民间称为“乐器”或“细乐”,分布在西安市及其邻近终南山麓各县,是一种集打击乐和吹管乐为一体的民间器乐合乐形式。追溯其历史渊源,从乐曲结构、乐谱、曲名和所使用的乐器来分析,西安鼓乐可能源于唐,起于宋而兴于元、明,盛于清。对于西安鼓乐的研究已经走过了半个多世纪,研究队伍不断扩大,研究成果层出不穷,学术的影响力和社会关注也在不断扩展。然而,这50多年研究领域似乎有这样一种倾向,即研究凸显在两个方面,一是在溯源,二是在“音乐本体中心特征——律调谱器曲”。[1]当然,对于音乐本体的研究是一项不可缺少而又至关重要的步骤,这为我们继续在深入研究音乐本体的基础上扩大研究领域和范围提供了实施的条件。而仅把目光停留在音乐本体上,不去探究能将西安鼓乐得以承载的班社,看不到班社里民俗的功能性存在是音乐传统能够活体传承的必要条件,西安鼓乐何以得到真正意义上的保存与传承。 笔者自2001年5月份已开始接触西安鼓乐,并先后对南集贤东、西村鼓乐社、何家营鼓乐社、大吉昌鼓乐社、城隍庙鼓乐社、东仓鼓乐社等进行了民族音乐学性质的实地调查。在掌握了大量的第一手资料和研读了西安鼓乐学术前辈们的研究成果后,似乎看到了西安鼓乐研究领域中的局限性,从而引发了对西安鼓乐进行民俗学的思考。 本文在大量实地调查的基础上,对西安鼓乐社的现状进行学理追问,试图超越以往西安鼓乐研究仅仅关注音乐本体的方法,借助民俗学、文化人类学等多学科的理论,将西安鼓乐社和民俗作为一个文化整体来认识,对西安鼓乐社的分类、成员、性质、社规,以及乐社参与的庙会、祈雨、斗乐等民俗活动进行深度描述,阐释其深层意义,寻求这一民间乐种保存和传承的文化根源。
[Abstract]:At present, one of the most complete folk music species has been found and preserved in China, which is Xi'an drum music in Shaanxi province. Xi'an drum music folk called "musical instruments" or "fine music", distributed in Xi'an and adjacent counties in the foothills of the mountains, is a combination of percussion and wind music as one form of folk instrumental music. Tracing back to its historical origin, from the music structure, music score, music name and the instruments used, Xi'an drum music may have originated from the Tang Dynasty, from Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty. The research on Xi'an drum music has gone through more than half a century, the research team has been expanding, the research results are endless, academic influence and social concern are also expanding. However, there seems to be a tendency in the field of research for more than 50 years that the research highlights two aspects, one is tracing the source, and the other is the "music Noumenon central feature-music tunes." [1] of course, The study of music ontology is an indispensable and important step, which provides the conditions for us to expand the research field and scope on the basis of further study of music ontology. Instead of looking at the music Noumenon, not exploring the Banshe, which can carry the Xi'an drum music, we can't see that the functional existence of the folk customs in the Banshanli is a necessary condition for the music tradition to be carried on in vivo. How can Xi'an drum music be preserved and passed on in real sense. Since May 2001, the author has come into contact with Xi'an drum music, and has carried out a field investigation on the national musicology nature of Nanji Xian Dong, Xicun Drum Club, he Jiaying Drum Club, Dagichang Drum Club, Chengghuangmiao Drum Club, Dongcang Drum Club, and so on. After mastering a lot of firsthand data and studying the research results of Xi'an drum music academic predecessors, it seems to see the limitations in the field of Xi'an drum music research, thus triggering the folklore thinking of Xi'an drum music. On the basis of a large number of field investigations, this paper makes a theoretical inquiry into the current situation of Xi'an Drum Club, and tries to surpass the previous study of Xi'an Drum Music by focusing only on the methods of music ontology, with the help of folklore, cultural anthropology and other multidisciplinary theories. To understand Xi'an Drum Music Society and folklore as a whole, to describe in depth the classification, members, nature, social regulations and folk activities of Xi'an Drum Club, such as temple fairs, praying for rain, fighting music, etc., in order to explain its deep significance. To seek the cultural roots of the preservation and inheritance of this folk music species.
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