本文选题:大音希声 + 音与意合 ; 参考:《天津音乐学院》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 二胡演奏艺术经过几代人的发展和创新,无论是在技巧还是理论研究上都水涨船高,取得了突出的成绩。然而,作为我国古老的民族弓弦乐器之一,它更加讲求旋律美、韵味浓、意境深等审美意蕴和表现手法,这一点与我国传统音乐的美学原则和审美标准是一脉相承的。因此,提高二胡演奏者重视音乐与文化关系的程度,特别是重视传统音乐美学思想是尤为迫切和必要的。 在传统音乐美学理论方面,国内研究的相关资料较多,且有一定深度;在二胡演奏艺术领域,阐述演奏技巧及分析研究具体作品的文章也有一定数量;但将二者相结合的文章并不多见。笔者将中国传统音乐美学思想对于二胡演奏艺术的影响作为论文研究的方向,仅以先秦时期道家的音乐美学思想和明清时期重要琴论专著《溪山琴况》中的演奏美学思想为理论基础,将其与二胡演奏艺术相结合,并通过《离骚》这首作品的实际演奏经验,来更加深刻的理解先秦道家“大音希声”的美学思想及《溪山琴况》“和”对于演奏的意义,在演奏与理论的结合过程中获得启示,从而拓宽演奏者的演奏思路,进一步提高其技术技巧和艺术表现等方面的能力。
[Abstract]:After several generations of development and innovation, Erhu performance art has made outstanding achievements in both technical and theoretical research. However, as one of the ancient national bow string musical instruments in our country, it stresses the aesthetic implication and expression technique of melody beauty, strong charm and deep artistic conception, which is in line with the aesthetic principles and aesthetic standards of Chinese traditional music. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary for erhu players to attach importance to the relationship between music and culture, especially to traditional music aesthetics. In the traditional music aesthetics theory, the domestic research has a lot of relevant materials, and has a certain depth, in the field of erhu playing art, there are also a certain number of articles describing performance skills and analyzing and studying specific works. However, the combination of the two articles are rare. The author regards the influence of Chinese traditional music aesthetics thought on erhu performance art as the research direction of the thesis. Based only on the music aesthetics of Taoist schools in the pre-Qin period and the performance aesthetics in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which is an important monographs on piano in the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is combined with the art of erhu performance. And through the actual performance experience of "Li Sao", we can get a deeper understanding of the aesthetic thought of the Daoism of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and "the condition of the piano in Xishan" and "the meaning of the performance, and get enlightenment in the process of combining the performance with the theory." In order to broaden the player's playing ideas, and further improve its technical skills and artistic performance and other aspects of the ability.
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1 本报记者 伊佳;大音希声 至爱无疆[N];国际商报;2011年
2 饶曙光 中国电影艺术研究中心副主任;上善若水 大音希声[N];中国电影报;2011年
3 陈伯强;大音希声[N];中国教育报;2002年
4 北京邮电大学经济管理学院院长 舒华英;大象无形 大音希声[N];人民邮电;2001年
5 本报记者 赵建国;大音希声 大象无形[N];中国知识产权报;2010年
6 淄博市红十字会党组书记、常务副会长 王长春;大爱无边[N];淄博日报;2010年
7 本版文字评论:江筱湖;管理是什么?[N];中国图书商报;2003年
8 张W,