发布时间:2018-08-20 15:05
【摘要】: 中国朝鲜族革命歌曲是中国革命歌曲的重要组成部分,其旋律蕴涵着鲜明的同时代其他朝鲜族歌曲的旋律特征。本文立足于从民族性差异及同一个民族不同区域的差异出发,来探索及研究中国朝鲜族革命歌曲对中国现代朝鲜族民族音乐产生的深远影响,以及对中国民族音乐的丰富和发展所产生的重要影响。 本文从中国朝鲜族迁入中国的历史开始阐述,详细介绍了迁移的历史背景及中国朝鲜族共同体的形成,描述了中国朝鲜族的抗日斗争史,揭示了抗战及解放战争时期中国朝鲜族歌曲产生和发展变迁的历史背景及抗日歌曲兴盛的原因。通过概述中国朝鲜族抗日歌曲的特点,揭示了歌词的时代特征:即强烈的抗日情感及富有无产阶级革命精神。探讨了中国朝鲜族抗日歌曲旋律的来源:有来源于朝鲜启蒙歌谣的、有直接借用流行歌曲的旋律的、也有来源于朝鲜族古民谣的、还有些来源于他民族的旋律的。对音乐多样化特征的探讨,反映了抗日救亡歌曲的时代精神和艺术价值,通过对中国抗日歌曲进行的深入分析,来对同时期中国朝鲜族抗日歌曲的产生和发展作出了铺垫,进而揭示了中国抗日歌曲与中国朝鲜族抗日歌曲的渊源关系。 本文通过例举《总动员歌》、《决战歌》、《独立军歌》、《洪范图将军之歌》等歌曲的谱例,介绍了中国朝鲜族抗日歌曲的旋律所具有的简洁、朴素、明朗,节奏鲜明,大众性强的时代特征,力求表现作品的时代性,从而更好的揭露日本帝国主义的侵略行径,唤醒民众的抗日意识。这些音乐作品的时代属性和民族属性,正是中国朝鲜族抗日民族音乐渊源流传,并对其后各个历史时期的音乐创作产生深远影响的真谛所在,富有时代意义。
[Abstract]:Chinese Korean revolutionary songs are an important part of Chinese revolutionary songs, and their melodies contain distinct melodic characteristics of other Korean songs of the same time. Based on the differences of nationality and different regions of the same nationality, this paper explores and studies the profound influence of Chinese Korean revolutionary songs on Chinese modern Korean folk music. And on the enrichment and development of Chinese folk music has an important impact. This paper begins with the history of the Chinese Korean nationality moving into China, introduces the historical background of the migration and the formation of the Chinese Korean community, and describes the history of the anti-Japanese struggle of the Chinese Korean nationality. It reveals the historical background of the emergence and development of Chinese Korean songs during the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation and the reasons for the rise of anti-Japanese songs. By summarizing the characteristics of Chinese Korean anti-Japanese songs, this paper reveals the characteristics of the lyrics: strong anti-Japanese feelings and proletarian revolutionary spirit. This paper probes into the origin of the melody of the anti-Japanese songs of the Chinese Korean nationality: some from the Korean Enlightenment ballads, some from the popular songs, some from the Korean ancient folk songs, and some from the melodies of other nationalities. The discussion on the diversified characteristics of music reflects the spirit of the times and the artistic value of the anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese songs, and through the in-depth analysis of the anti-Japanese songs in China, it paves the way for the emergence and development of the anti-Japanese songs of the Korean nationality in China in the same period. Then it reveals the relationship between Chinese anti-Japanese songs and Chinese Korean anti-Japanese songs. This paper introduces the simple, clear and rhythmic melody of the anti-Japanese songs of the Korean people in China through illustrating such songs as "General Mobilization Song", "the Song of the decisive War", "the Song of the Independent Army", "the Song of General Hong Fan Tu", and so on. The characteristics of the times with strong popularity strive to show the epoch of the works so as to better expose the aggression of Japanese imperialism and awaken the anti-Japanese consciousness of the people. The time attribute and national attribute of these music works are the true meaning of the Chinese Korean anti-Japanese national music origin, and have profound influence on the music creation in each historical period thereafter, which is of great significance to the times.
[Abstract]:Chinese Korean revolutionary songs are an important part of Chinese revolutionary songs, and their melodies contain distinct melodic characteristics of other Korean songs of the same time. Based on the differences of nationality and different regions of the same nationality, this paper explores and studies the profound influence of Chinese Korean revolutionary songs on Chinese modern Korean folk music. And on the enrichment and development of Chinese folk music has an important impact. This paper begins with the history of the Chinese Korean nationality moving into China, introduces the historical background of the migration and the formation of the Chinese Korean community, and describes the history of the anti-Japanese struggle of the Chinese Korean nationality. It reveals the historical background of the emergence and development of Chinese Korean songs during the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation and the reasons for the rise of anti-Japanese songs. By summarizing the characteristics of Chinese Korean anti-Japanese songs, this paper reveals the characteristics of the lyrics: strong anti-Japanese feelings and proletarian revolutionary spirit. This paper probes into the origin of the melody of the anti-Japanese songs of the Chinese Korean nationality: some from the Korean Enlightenment ballads, some from the popular songs, some from the Korean ancient folk songs, and some from the melodies of other nationalities. The discussion on the diversified characteristics of music reflects the spirit of the times and the artistic value of the anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese songs, and through the in-depth analysis of the anti-Japanese songs in China, it paves the way for the emergence and development of the anti-Japanese songs of the Korean nationality in China in the same period. Then it reveals the relationship between Chinese anti-Japanese songs and Chinese Korean anti-Japanese songs. This paper introduces the simple, clear and rhythmic melody of the anti-Japanese songs of the Korean people in China through illustrating such songs as "General Mobilization Song", "the Song of the decisive War", "the Song of the Independent Army", "the Song of General Hong Fan Tu", and so on. The characteristics of the times with strong popularity strive to show the epoch of the works so as to better expose the aggression of Japanese imperialism and awaken the anti-Japanese consciousness of the people. The time attribute and national attribute of these music works are the true meaning of the Chinese Korean anti-Japanese national music origin, and have profound influence on the music creation in each historical period thereafter, which is of great significance to the times.
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