[Abstract]:On the basis of absorbing many kinds of music essence, Ravel's early piano creation built up his own style of individual music at a speed beyond normal, which reflected Ravel's loyalty to French traditional music and his sensitivity to modern factors. Presents a classical form of modernization. When he was young, he reached an exceptionally mature creative level at an astonishing speed, and the formation of his early piano music style played an extremely important role in the development of his later creation. The early piano creation was the soil and source of his life creation and the beginning of his chord experiment. This paper uses the methods of comparative study and general research, taking Ravel's early piano works as the starting point, tracing back to the origin of Ravel's musical style, combining the social background of his early creation, and analyzing its creative characteristics. This paper explores the aesthetic pursuit of the composer and the aesthetic characteristics of his works, at the same time analyzes the performance skills and performance styles of the works, and sums up the unique musical personality of Ravel's piano works from four aspects: background, ontology, aesthetics and performance. On the basis of inheriting tradition, Ravel's piano music developed the expressiveness of Impressionist music to a great extent. His music was a perfect combination of classical spirit and modern factors, which opened up a new way for Impressionist music. To become a bridge between classical music and modern music. Ravel's piano works not only reflect his personality and preferences, but also leave his own mark on the music of the industrial age. His pursuit of perfection shows a meticulous and rigorous style, which few people have ever achieved in the history of music. The study of Ravel's early piano works can not only understand the development of Ravel's writing style, but also macroscopically understand the style characteristics of Ravel's piano music. These studies are of great significance to the teaching and playing of Ravel's works and to mastering the overall style of Ravel's musical works.
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