[Abstract]:Recitation is a folk song sung by the folk drum music club and bronze ware club in Xi'an area during the folk activities such as pilgrimage to the mountains and worship of the Buddha at temple fairs, which are mainly characterized by the accompaniment of percussion instruments. In the content, most of the chanting words are to praise the Immortals Buddha, to describe the fairyland, to persuade the world people to do good, to repair the afterlife and to sing praise to the local customs and customs in Changan area. The number of tunes is only 12, and can be filled in according to the need. On the basis of field investigation of the above folk music societies, the general situation of the folk music societies, the definition of the concept of reciting words, the analysis of the music forms of the singing words and the accompaniment instruments, the theoretical explanation of the audience reasons, and the combination of multiple perspectives, The whole-view research strategy regards reciting words as a musical cultural phenomenon to recognize and experience.
【作者单位】: 西安音乐学院音乐学系;
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