[Abstract]:From the birth of the first opera, Bel Canto was born. The music art from the beginning of the 17th century to the middle of the 18th century was a great time in the history of music development, especially the prosperity and development of the vocal music art, until now, The artistic culture of vocal music in Baroque period brought endless pleasure to human life. The solo vocal works of Baroque period are undoubtedly a bright pearl in the history of vocal music. It occupies the most fundamental and important position in the history of the development of beautiful sound with its unique style characteristics and exquisite vocal music skills. It also promotes the development and progress of vocal music skills and works, leaving us valuable experience and rich knowledge source. The research on the solo vocal music techniques and works in Baroque period, and the inheritance and development of our vocal music teaching nowadays, and the reference and exploration of our study are put into a comprehensive angle to explore, which is our concern. This paper intends to proceed from the historical perspective of the development of the sound, and will be based on the background of music at that time, the means of vocal music teaching, the grasp of vocal music skills and the singing of solo vocal works, etc. From the whole analysis and discussion of the Baroque period vocal music art to our present vocal music skill study function; And how to strictly and authoritatively interpret the solo works of Baroque vocal music, which will also help us to obtain some kind of cultural information in music, and better understand the social life and humanistic value reflected in it.
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