发布时间:2018-11-28 12:49
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the duality of substance and conception of music score, and holds that the interpretation of the meaning of music score should be the "concrete identity" which contains the difference. In this paper, the author makes a study of the identity of musical works in the version of music, and puts forward some doubts about Ingorden's view that "as long as there is music score itself, there should be no doubt about the identity of a work which is understood in this way". The author holds that the musical score includes manuscripts and published editions, and Ingalden's view applies only to manuscripts, not exclusively to published versions. Furthermore, the author discusses how to obtain identity in the face of "published edition".
【作者单位】: 南京艺术学院音乐学院;
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the duality of substance and conception of music score, and holds that the interpretation of the meaning of music score should be the "concrete identity" which contains the difference. In this paper, the author makes a study of the identity of musical works in the version of music, and puts forward some doubts about Ingorden's view that "as long as there is music score itself, there should be no doubt about the identity of a work which is understood in this way". The author holds that the musical score includes manuscripts and published editions, and Ingalden's view applies only to manuscripts, not exclusively to published versions. Furthermore, the author discusses how to obtain identity in the face of "published edition".
【作者单位】: 南京艺术学院音乐学院;
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