[Abstract]:The question of elegance and vulgarity in music has been a controversial topic since ancient times. It has been more than two thousand years since Confucius'"evil purple" and "bad Zheng's disorderly music" were put forward by Confucius in the pre-Qin period, to the so-called "common appreciation of elegance and common taste", which has been put forward today for more than two thousand years. Although the meaning of musical elegance in ancient times is quite different from that in the present age, the ideas of musical elegance and vulgarity published by musical literati, musicians and writers in every period of history have once had a great deal of influence on the music of the present and later generations. The development of popular music has had a great impact. Among them, Mao Qiling, a scholar and writer of the Qing Dynasty, put forward in Jingshan Music Records that "the person in the present world is the present person, not the vulgar person, the voice of the present person is the voice of man, not the voice of the present" is of great significance to the development of music art in later generations.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学音乐学院;
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