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发布时间:2019-03-27 21:15
[Abstract]:This paper reveals the different philosophical foundations of musicology system and musical anthropology, and integrates this philosophical basis into the turn of philosophical linguistics and the examination of post-modern and cultural ecology. German music educator Kleinan said: music is plural, music education is plural, musicology is plural. Musical anthropologist Netel also once said: musical anthropology is also plural. This is what the musical anthropologist Bormann said in the article: the epistemology and ontology of all kinds of music in the world are rooted in the behavior and activities of its musical culture and language. Understanding the linguistic world of different music is the basis of the diversity of world music epistemology and ontology, and the premise of understanding the totality of world music. Music as a science and music as a culture is a division between musicology and musical anthropology in disciplinary methods and research. It is also the distinction between natural science (analysed by musical physics and sound) and humanities (by language and myth) in method and research. Understanding the validity and limitation of western musicology system and its cultural attribute, calling for the linguistic turn of Chinese traditional music research, and stepping out of the control of the modernity of western music science, To maintain the independence of the "language homeland" of its own music and to achieve mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual interpretation and interaction with the "language home" of other cultural music based on itself, It is the only way to understand and understand the world's multicultural music as a whole.
【作者单位】: 南京艺术学院音乐学研究所;


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