[Abstract]:According to the instruction of the central government, the local folk cultural resources were mobilized on a large scale, which inadvertently shaped a special form of exchange on the Chinese stage in the 20th century, and also formed a series of cultural phenomena caused by the combination of the performances. The Chinese music circles, which have just planned to spread out their horizons, have discovered most of the folk art varieties through a wide range of performances, large and small, from the central to the local level. The folk entertainers who participated in the performance, because of the authority of the government behavior, completely changed the social status and cultural identity. In the special historical period of 1950s, Jin and Beijing performed and participated in the performance, that is, the government's political affirmation of a folk art variety from content to form. From then on, the people of Xialiba became "spring snow" and the drummer became an artist. A series of artistic activities on and off the stage fully reflect and reflect the great potential energy of "national presence", which has become an important channel for us to chew the rapid transformation of Chinese folk culture to artistry, modernization and urbanization in the 20th century.
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院音乐研究所;
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