[Abstract]:The basic framework of the current curriculum system of music education in normal colleges and universities in China was formed by copying the educational model of the former Soviet Union in the early days of the people's Republic of China. In the face of the implementation of the new music curriculum standard, this subject curriculum system, which takes the subject curriculum as the mainstream, can no longer meet the requirements of the development of general education and professional education in the new period, so it is necessary to establish a new curriculum system of music education specialty. In the course content, we should establish the interrelated curriculum content system, which is guided by the course of music aesthetics, takes the course of music expression as the carrier, takes the course of music creation and music culture as the two wings, and takes the music education as the basis, which should be repositioned in the aspect of the training goal, and the related curriculum content system should be established in accordance with the curriculum content of music aesthetics, music expression curriculum as the carrier, music creation, music culture curriculum as the two wings, and music education as the basis. In the way of curriculum implementation, "three combinations" should be achieved: collective class, group class, individual course, related course, auxiliary course, intersecting class, classroom practice, art practice and social practice. In the course of curriculum implementation, we should abide by the "three Unification": the particularity of music art and the universality of music education law, the unity of music education in normal colleges and universities and music education in primary and secondary schools, and the unity of diversified music education and music education in China. In the aspect of curriculum evaluation, the evaluation content should develop in the direction of diversification, the main body of evaluation should develop in the direction of interaction, the evaluation method should develop in the direction of diversification, and the evaluation means should develop in the direction of scientization.
【作者单位】: 临沂师范学院音乐学院;
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