发布时间:2018-06-06 21:04
本文选题:木糖氧化无色杆菌 + 多位点序列分型 ; 参考:《中国人民解放军医学院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:1、目的:(1)本研究回顾性分析了2008年5月~2011年12月,解放军总医院老年病房的28例木糖氧化无色杆菌所致医院获得性肺炎(HAP)患者的临床特点、药物敏感结果、治疗方法,为临床合理应用抗菌药物提供参考。(2)应用多位点序列分型(MLST)对临床分离菌株进行分子流行病学研究,得出等位基因型(Alleletype)和序列型(Sequence type;ST)。(3)结合木糖氧化无色杆菌的耐药表型并检测该菌的整合子,寻找整合子可变区的耐药基因。 2、方法:(1)收集28例木糖氧化无色杆菌所致老年患者HAP病例的一般情况、既往使用抗生素的种类、基础疾病、临床表现、药敏结果及预后等,寻找易感因素,明确所致感染的临床特点及预后情况。(2)访问PubMLST数据库,通过聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术扩增7对管家基因,得出所有菌株的等位基因型和ST分型。(3)通过PCR确定I、II、III类整合子在木糖氧化无色杆菌中的分布情况,对整合酶阳性菌株进一步检测整合子的可变区,分析可变区基因盒与耐药表型之间的联系。 3、结果:(1)本院发生的木糖氧化无色杆菌所致老年患者HAP均发生在有基础疾病的患者,发病前体内留置导管史较多(26/28例)。60.7%(17/28例)患者发热,89.3%(25/28例)中性粒细胞百分比升高,85.7%(24/28例)C-反应蛋白(CRP)升高,但白细胞升高者仅占32.1%(9/28例);斑片状渗出影(94.2%,27/28例)为患者胸片主要表现;分离菌对氨基糖甙类药物耐药率较高。对复方新诺明、β-内酰胺类/β-内酰胺酶抑制药较为敏感。初始治疗药物主要为碳青霉烯类(46.4%)、β-内酰胺类/β-内酰胺酶抑制药(42.8%)、喹诺酮类(42.9%),30d死亡4例(14.3%)。(2)15株有12个ST分型,其中新发现的有11个。15株木糖氧化无色杆菌中均检出blaOXA-114基因,,经测序后发现blaOXA-114q基因8株,blaOXA-114r基因3株,blaOXA-114h基因3株和blaOXA-114t基因1株。(3)15株木糖氧化无色杆菌均含有I类整合子。I类整合子可变区有4种不同片段的扩增阳性产物。2株534bp条带为aadB,对氨基糖甙类抗菌药物耐药。1株993bp的条带为耐药基因盒dfrA17和aacA4,分别对甲氧苄啶类和氨基糖甙类抗菌药物耐药。11株有1326bp条带为耐药基因盒aadB和aadA2,均对氨基糖甙类抗菌药物耐药。1株2220bp的条带为aac(6')-II、aadB、blaPSE-1,对氨基糖甙类和β内酰胺类抗菌药物耐药. 结论:(1)木糖氧化无色杆菌所致老年患者HAP临床表现多不典型,中性粒细胞比例及CRP升高敏感性较高,胸部X线多以斑片状渗出影为主要征象,复方新诺明、β-内酰胺类/β-内酰胺酶抑制药对该菌较为敏感。(2)ST分型为N8的两株菌中,均对氨基糖甙类、头孢菌素类、喹诺酮类、碳氢酶烯类药物高度耐药。因此在今后临床工作中应对出现的ST=N8的菌株给予高度重视。blaOXA-114-like基因存在于本组所有菌株中,并且该基因在木糖氧化无色杆菌中显示出了多样性。(3)整盒子可变区结构分析中发现6个不同的耐药基因盒,绝大多数耐氨基糖甙类药物基因盒,介导对氨基糖苷类药物耐药。
[Abstract]:1 . Objective : ( 1 ) This study retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics , drug - sensitive results and treatment methods of 28 cases of nosocomial acquired pneumonia in the elderly ward of PLA General Hospital from May 2008 to December 2011 . ( 2 ) The molecular epidemiology of clinical isolates was carried out by using multi - site sequence typing ( MLST ) , and Alleletype and Sequence type were obtained .
ST ) . ( 3 ) To detect the resistance phenotype of colorless bacillus and detect the integron of the bacterium , and find the resistance gene of integron variable region .
2 . Methods : ( 1 ) The clinical characteristics and prognosis of 28 cases of senile patients were collected by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) . ( 2 ) The distribution of I , II and III integron in xylose - oxidizing chromobacter was determined by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .
3 . Results : ( 1 ) Compared with the patients with underlying diseases , there were more patients with underlying diseases ( 26 / 28 ) . 60.7 % ( 17 / 28 ) patients had fever , 89.7 % ( 24 / 28 ) C - reactive protein ( CRP ) increased , but the percentage of white blood cells increased by 32 . 1 % ( 9 / 28 ) .
The main manifestations of chest X - ray were 94.2 % and 27 / 28 , respectively .
The results showed that there were 13 26bp bands as aadB , 3 strains of blaOXA - 114r gene , 3 strains of blaOXA - 114h gene , 3 strains of blaOXA - 114h gene and 1 strain of blaOXA - 114t .
Conclusion : ( 1 ) The clinical manifestations of the elderly patients caused by xylbacilli are not typical , the sensitivity of neutrophil percentage and CRP increase is high , the X - ray of chest X - ray is more sensitive to the bacteria . ( 2 ) All the strains of ST = N 8 are highly resistant to the drug . The blaOXA - 114 - like gene is found in all the strains of this group .
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1 魏兰芬,陆龙喜,林军明,朱一凡,潘协商;含三氯羟基二苯醚消毒液中检出木糖氧化无色杆菌[J];中国感染控制杂志;2004年03期