[Abstract]:Objective: bronchial asthma (Asthma) is a chronic inflammatory disease of airway. Its morbidity and mortality are increasing year by year. However, the current global asthma control situation is not optimistic. How to better Control Asthma and reduce the risk of Asthma attack? the 2009 GINA guidelines (Global Initiative for Asthma) for Asthma Prevention and treatment set out the goal of asthma treatment to achieve and maintain asthma control). Peak expiratory flow rate (PEF) is an objective simple index of pulmonary function and its variation rate (Peak expiratory flow rate, (PEFR) is an important index to evaluate and monitor asthma control level in clinic and guide the adjustment of asthma treatment plan. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of routine monitoring of PEF on asthma control and to reduce the risk of acute asthma attack. Methods: from November 2010 to May 2011, 21 asthmatic patients, 10 males (47.62%) and 11 females (52.38%), were enrolled in the first affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. The average age was (36.38 卤10.21) years. The average course of disease was (9.67 卤5.35) years. Face to face questionnaire was conducted, PEF was monitored daily for one year, asthma diary was filled out truthfully, and (ACT) score of asthma control test was measured. The control level of asthma before and after PEF, the frequency of acute asthma attack, the hospitalization for acute exacerbation of asthma, the emergency visit and the delayed work were compared. The results were compared with the results of ACT test. The risk of future asthma attack was evaluated. Results: the percentage of patients who achieved complete and partial control of GINA after one year of monitoring PEF was 47.62% and 33.33% respectively, which was significantly higher than that before monitoring PEF (P < 0. 05). The acute exacerbation of asthma in monitoring PEF in one year, the emergency treatment rate and delayed work rate were 9.52, 14.29 and 19.05, respectively, which were significantly lower than those before monitoring PEF (P < 0. 05). The ACT score of the green area group was significantly higher than that of the red area group, and the ACT score of the yellow area group was significantly higher than that of the red area group (P < 0. 05), but the ACT score of the green area group was not significantly different from that of the yellow area group (P0. 221). The PEF%pred of partial control group was significantly higher than that of uncontrolled group (P < 0. 05), and that of partial control group was significantly lower than that of uncontrolled group (P < 0. 05). Conclusion 1. Daily monitoring of PEF can effectively improve the disease control level of asthmatic patients. 2. 2. Dynamic monitoring of PEF, at the same time as ACT questionnaire can more accurately reflect the true condition of asthmatic patients. Routine monitoring of PEF can reduce the risk of future acute asthma attacks.
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