[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the clinical value of the early detection of cortisol and peptide in community-acquired pneumonia. Methods: The patients with community-acquired pneumonia (n = 110) hospitalized in Guangzhou Military Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region from June 2014 to June 2015 were divided into general pneumonia group (n = 54) and severe pneumonia group (n = 56). The clinical outcome was divided into survival group (n = 82) and death group (n = 28), and the healthy adults in the same period were the control group (n = 26). The levels of cortisol, peptide, C-reactive protein (CRP) and calcitonin (PCT) were measured on day 1, 4 and control in patients with pneumonia. The CURB-65 score, the pneumonia severity index (PSI) score, the APACHE II score were scored in the patients with pneumonia to assess the severity of the patient's condition, and the ROC curve was used to analyze the diagnostic value of the severe pneumonia and the predictive value of the patient's death risk. Results: 1 (1) CRP, PCT: severe pneumonia group and common pneumonia group were significantly higher than those in control group (P = 0.000, P = 0.000), and the level of CRP in severe pneumonia group was not statistically significant (P = 0. 261). The level of CRP in the 4th day of the severe pneumonia group was higher than that of the common pneumonia group (P = 0.000). The levels of CRP in the 1st and 4th day of death group were higher than those in the same period (P = 0. 006, P = 0.000). The PCT level was higher in the severe pneumonia group and the general pneumonia group than in the control group (P = 0.000, P = 0.000). The PCT level of the severe pneumonia group was higher than that of the common pneumonia group in the same period (P = 0.000, P = 0.000). The PCT level of Day 1 and 4 of death group was higher than that of the same group (P = 0. 000, P = 0. 002). (2) Cortisol and peptide: the first day cortisol and the level of peptide in severe pneumonia group and common pneumonia group were higher than those of the control group, the first and fourth day cortisol of the severe pneumonia group and the level of the peptide were higher than those of the common pneumonia group in the same period (P0.05). The levels of cortisol in the first and fourth days of the death group were higher than those of the same group (P = 0. 000, P = 0.000). The difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.058), and the level of day 4 and peptide in the death group was higher than that of the same group (P = 0.000). 2. There was positive correlation between the level of inflammation index and clinical score in patients with pneumonia (P0.05). 3. The value of inflammation index in diagnosing severe pneumonia and predicting the risk of death (1) The value of single inflammation index in diagnosing severe pneumonia and predicting the risk of death: the value of the first day cortisol diagnosis of severe pneumonia (AUC = 0.864) was similar to that of the same period PCT (AUC = 0.784), and the peptide (AUC = 0. 753) was similar (P0.05). The diagnostic value of CRP (AUC = 0. 607) was higher than that of CRP (P0.05). The value of death in the first day of cortisol prediction (AUC = 0. 875) was higher than CRP (AUC = 0.673), PCT (AUC = 0.722), and peptide (AUC = 0.620) (P0.05). The value of cortisol and peptide in the diagnosis of severe pneumonia (AUC = 0.9894, AUC = 0. 886) were similar (P0.05), but were higher than that of CRP (AUC = 0.774), PCT (AUC = 0.803) (0.05). The value of the death of the 4-day cortisol prediction was similar to that of the same period PCT (AUC = 0. 773), CRP (AUC = 0. 766), and peptide (AUC = 0.768) (P0.05). (2) The value of joint cortisol and peptide in diagnosing severe pneumonia and predicting death risk: The diagnostic value of cortisol and peptide in severe pneumonia (AUC = 0.868) was similar to that of single cortisol alone (P0.05). The predicted value of cortisol (AUC = 0. 872) was similar to that of individual cortisol (P0.05). The diagnostic value of cortisol and peptide in severe pneumonia (AUC = 0. 915) was similar to that of individual cortisol alone (P0.05), which was higher than that of individual PCT (P0.05). The predicted value (AUC = 0. 826) of cortisol and peptide in combination with cortisol, alone and in peptide alone, was similar to the individual PCT (P0.05). Conclusion: Early cortisol and peptide levels are related to the severity of CAP, and the value of clinical outcome in diagnosis of severe pneumonia and prognosis is greater. The clinical value of combined cortisol, and peptide in the diagnosis of severe pneumonia and the prognosis of patients is not significantly superior to the individual cortisol, alone and in peptide elements.
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