发布时间:2019-01-05 01:12
【摘要】:目的:初步分析沈阳地区慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)住院患者的特征,为探讨COPD住院患者的合理用药提供客观依据。方法:采用方便抽样选取沈阳市三级甲等医院3所,随机抽取COPD住院患者2 400例,收集患者的临床特征进行分析。结果:患者男1 480例,女920例;平均年龄(72.1±18.3)岁,71~80岁的构成比(36.92%)最高;GOLDⅠ级者占12.25%,Ⅱ级29.42%,Ⅲ级38.33%,Ⅳ级20.00%;吸烟者占64.25%,非吸烟者35.75%;伴发疾病16种,合计3 902例次,人均1.6种伴发疾病,伴肺部感染性疾病者占42.21%。结论:沈阳地区COPD住院患者生存质量的提高有赖于加强对老年患者的治疗和宣传教育。
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the characteristics of (COPD) inpatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Shenyang, and to provide an objective basis for the rational use of COPD. Methods: 2 400 COPD inpatients were randomly selected from 3 hospitals of Grade 3A Hospital in Shenyang by convenient sampling, and the clinical characteristics of the patients were collected and analyzed. Results: there were 1 480 males and 920 females, the average age was (72.1 卤18.3) years old, the proportion of the patients aged 71 to 80 was the highest (36.92%), the proportion of GOLD 鈪,
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the characteristics of (COPD) inpatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Shenyang, and to provide an objective basis for the rational use of COPD. Methods: 2 400 COPD inpatients were randomly selected from 3 hospitals of Grade 3A Hospital in Shenyang by convenient sampling, and the clinical characteristics of the patients were collected and analyzed. Results: there were 1 480 males and 920 females, the average age was (72.1 卤18.3) years old, the proportion of the patients aged 71 to 80 was the highest (36.92%), the proportion of GOLD 鈪,