[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the application value of the third generation dual-source CT with large pitch 70 kV tube voltage of 15 ml contrast medium in CT pulmonary artery imaging (CTPA). Methods 70 patients with pulmonary embolism were randomly divided into two groups: (1) A group (n = 35) underwent routine CTPA scan (120 kV,80 ml contrast agent); (2) Group B (NM35) was given a large pitch 70 kV tube voltage of 15 ml. The CT values and standard deviations of pulmonary trunk, apical segment of right lung, pulmonary artery of posterior basal segment of right lower lobe, chest air and back muscle of all patients were measured. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (SNR), was calculated. Contrast noise ratio (CNR) and effective dose (ED). For each patient The pulmonary artery images were evaluated by two physicians. The image quality of the two groups was compared with the non-parametric grade test of independent samples, and the Kappa (魏) value was calculated to evaluate the consistency of the image quality scores between the two groups. The difference of CT, SNR,CNR and ED between the two groups was analyzed by t test. Results the pulmonary artery trunk [(300.62 卤77.54) HU vs (332.80 卤102.80) HU;t=-1.53,P=0.13] and the right superior lobar segment pulmonary artery [(361.72 卤84.92) HU vs (325.37 卤87.86) HU;] in group A and B were found in the main pulmonary artery [(300.62 卤77.54) HU vs (332.80 卤102.80) HU;t=-1.53,P=0.13]. CT value of pulmonary artery of posterior basal segment of right lower lobe [(359.54 卤89.61) HU vs (318.26 卤87.19) HU;] There was no significant difference between the two groups (22.81 卤6.05 vs 19.80 卤6.60) and pulmonary artery (22.65 卤6.37 vs 19.28 卤6.63) in the posterior basal segment of the right lower lobe. The subjective quality scores of the two groups were 1 (1 / 1) and 1 (1 / 1), respectively, and there was no significant difference between the two groups (ZP0. 08) (P < 0. 93), the CNR was significantly higher than that of group B (P < 0. 03), and the subjective quality scores of group A and B were 1 (1 / 1) and 1 (1 / 1), respectively. The consistency of image quality between the two physicians was very good (魏 = 0.87P0. 01). A ED was (4. 33 卤1. 80) m Sv,) significantly higher than that of B group (0. 92 卤0. 23) m Sv (t0. 72P0. 00). The ED value of group B was about 79% lower than that of group A. Conclusion the third generation dual-source CT can be used to detect the high pitch 70 kV tube voltage 15 ml contrast medium mode, and the image can be obtained to meet the diagnostic needs and the radiation dose can be greatly reduced.
【作者单位】: 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院放射科;
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