Infectious shock Anesthesia medication Treatment effect
Clinical Analysis on Anesthesia Treatment of Patients With Infectious Shock
ZHANG Ying (People' s Hospital of Baiquan County, Qiqihaer 164700, China)
文章摘要:目的 探究感染性休克患者应采用的麻醉方法和效果分析。方法 选取2014年2月-2015年7月收治的46例感染性休克患者进行全方位的监测以及复合静脉气管插管的麻醉,采用咪达唑仑、维库溴铵或者芬太尼等药物给予全身麻醉,针对休克患者的程度还要采用强心药物的使用。结果 患者手术后身体指标都好于手术前,血压回升,心率减慢,电解质稳点,酸碱平衡,且自主呼吸的吸入氧气在92%。结论 针对感染性休克的患者要选择气管插管的全身麻醉,并选择不良反应小,麻醉效果显著的药物,在麻醉基础上还要给予抗休克的治疗,维持身体内环境和脏器功能的稳定,减少对脏器的损伤。
Abstr:Objective Anesthesia treatment method and its ef ect for patients with infectious shock are to be studied. Methods Chose 46 patients with infectious shock who are treated in hospital from February 2014 to July 2015 and monitor these patients in a ful range and treat these patients with intravenous endotracheal intubation anesthesia, and in addition,give them with general anesthesia by usage of midazolam,fentanyl and vecuronium medications and it is suggested to treat patients with cardiac drugs with taking patients’infectious shock degree into consideration. Results Patients’physical indicators are much better after surgery treatment,their blood pressure rise up,heart rate slow down,electrolyte are stable,physical acid-base is balanced and automatic inhale oxygen amount is up to 92%. Conclusion For treatment of patients with infectious shock,it is suggested to treatment them with endotracheal intubation anesthesia treatment and choose ef ective medications with few side ef ects,and in addition,anti-shock treatment is necessary in order to stabilize body condition and maintain organ function in order to reduce damage to organs.
Keyword::Infectious shock Anesthesia medication Treatment effect