本文选题:血液透析滤过 + 维持性血液透析 ; 参考:《广西医科大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effect of hemodiafiltration (HDF) on erythrocyte immune adherence and oxygen affinity in patients with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD). Method 1: 1. From October 2016 to December 2016, 28 MHD patients treated in the blood purification center of the first affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University were selected as the case group, and 20 healthy persons as the healthy control group. The parameters were as follows: predilute replacement, bicarbonate dialysate dialysis, blood flow 250-300ml / min, dialysate 500ml / min, replacement fluid 125-150ml / min.3. Erythrocyte rosette test was used to detect erythrocyte immune adherence function, namely erythrocyte C3b receptor rosette rate (E-C3bRR) and erythrocyte immune complex rosette rate (E-ICRRR), and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) to detect hemoglobin oxygen affinity. The biochemical indexes of blood creatinine, urea nitrogen, 尾 2-microglobulin (尾 2-MGG), carbon dioxide binding capacity, blood phosphorus and blood potassium were determined. Before and after HDF treatment, the levels of E-C3bRRRN E-ICRRRR, erythrocyte 23-DPG and blood biochemical indexes were measured in MHD patients. E-C3bRRN E-ICRR.5. Before and after HDF treatment, the differences of E-ICRRR, erythrocyte 23-DPG and blood biochemical indexes in MHD patients were compared, and the differences between E-C3bRRRrr-E-ICRR and healthy controls before and after HDF treatment in MHD patients were compared. Results 1. Before and after HDF treatment, E-C3bRRRN E-ICRR in MHD patients was significantly lower than that in healthy controls. 2. After HDF treatment, E-C3bRR in MHD patients was higher than that in HDF patients before HDF treatment, but there was no change in E-ICRR and erythrocyte 23-DPG in MHD patients before and after HDF treatment. Compared with those before HDF treatment, the carbon dioxide binding capacity of MHD patients increased P0.001C, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, 尾 2-MGand blood phosphorus decreased P0.001g. Conclusion the erythrocyte immune adherence function of MHD patients was decreased, and the ability to recognize, adhere and clear the circulating immune complex was decreased. Single HDF therapy could improve erythrocyte immune adherence activity, but did not change the oxygen affinity of erythrocyte hemoglobin in MHD patients.
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