[Abstract]:Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. In Europe and the United States and other countries, prostate cancer in male cancer mortality rate ranked second. In China, prostate cancer mortality has also shown an upward trend in recent years. In the diagnosis and treatment of prostate disease, Trans-rectum Ultrasound (TRUS) image has been widely used because of its advantages of real time, low cost and no radiation. In clinical practice, including the accurate location of the puncture needle in prostate biopsy, the spatial distribution of radioactive material in prostate cancer treatment, and the measurement of prostate volume, it is necessary to segment the prostate contour accurately from TRUS images. However, the manual segmentation method often used in clinic has many problems such as heavy workload, the segmentation result depends on the operator's experience, and the repeatability is poor. The research on automatic prostate segmentation in TRUS image is a hot topic in recent years. However, there are some factors such as weak boundary of calcification of prostate tissue, severe speckle noise and low signal-to-noise ratio in ultrasound image, so it is still a great challenge to segment the boundary of prostate accurately. In this paper, a new method is proposed to automatically segment the prostatic boundary from TRUS images by using the prostate image features and prior statistical shapes. Firstly, feature vectors are extracted and classified by dense scale and rotation invariant feature transformation (Dense sift). The prostate can be located from TRUS image quickly and the initial segmentation results can be obtained. Secondly, according to the initial results, the optimal shape model is selected as the initial contour of the segmentation from the established multiple average models. In the process of segmentation, the missing boundary information of prostate artifacts can be estimated by shape model. Finally, under the guidance of the initial contour, the energy function is constructed by using the grayscale gradient feature model and the local gray Gao Si distribution, so that the prostate can be accurately segmented. The segmentation process uses a coarse-to-fine multi-resolution approach to improve robustness and computational efficiency. A large number of experimental results show the effectiveness of the automatic segmentation method. The average absolute distance between this method and the expert manual method is 1.03 卤0.27 mm, the average of Hausdorf distance is 3.37 卤0.65 mm, the average of Dice similarity coefficient is 91.9 卤0.8, the average of sensitivity is 94.7 卤2.1 and the average of accuracy is 99.2 卤0.2. Compared with the improved active shape model, the method used in this paper improves the segmentation accuracy to a great extent.
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