发布时间:2018-07-29 13:47
【摘要】:背景 生理状态下甲状旁腺组织属于极低分化组织,对其生命周期研究较为清楚的属人和大鼠的甲状旁腺组织,人体甲状旁腺细胞生存周期约为20年,大鼠甲状旁腺细胞生存周期约为2年。CRF患者由于体内普遍存在低Ca、高P或活性维生素D缺乏等病变,这些因素持续刺激甲状旁腺组织,使得正常低分化状态的甲状旁腺组织转变为增殖增生状态,且其增生的方式表现为自主性增殖,最终导致甲状旁腺单克隆结节、腺瘤、腺癌发生的结局。SHPT患者PG结节中COX-2表达增加,并证实塞来昔布能够抑制慢性肾衰竭继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进大鼠PG的增生。且AngⅡ与COX-2的表达增加也相关。本研究通过5/6肾大部切除术结合高磷饮食喂养3个月建立SHPT大鼠模型,并全身性给予缬沙坦和塞来昔布干预,观察COX-2在大鼠肾脏和甲状旁腺组织的表达差异,并对比其对肾功及PG异常增生有无影响。 方法 5/6肾切除结合高磷饮食(P1.2%,Ca1.6%)建立SHPT大鼠模型,4周后存活大鼠随机分为假手术组(Sham-NP组,n=10)、正常磷饮食组(Nx-NP组,n=10)、高磷饮食组(Nx-HP组,n=10)、缬沙坦组(Val组,n=10)、塞来昔布组(Cel组,n=10)。术后正常磷饮食喂养4周,再依据分组分别给予正常磷和高磷饮食继续喂养12周。于术后第4、16周检测肾功和Ca、P、1,25(OH)2D3、 iPTH。术后第16周实验结束时处死所有实验大鼠,取肾脏、甲状旁腺组织,HE、Masson染色分别观察甲状旁腺的大小、肾脏组织的病理形态和胶原纤维沉积情况,并行病理积分。应用免疫组化技术分别观察肾脏组织及甲状旁腺组织中COX-2的表达情况,并分别对比分析五组大鼠肾脏组织和甲状旁腺组织中COX-2表达强度的差异。 结果 1)各Nx组大鼠iPTH均较Sham组明显升高(P均0.01),其中以Nx-HP组升高最明显。缬沙坦和塞来昔布干预后较Nx-HP组降低(P均0.01)。 2)肾脏病理评分,各Nx组大鼠GSI和TIS均较Sham组显著升高(P均0.01), Nx-HP组升高最显著,Val组较Nx-HP组病理积分减低,缬沙坦可改善尿毒症大鼠肾纤维化(P0.01)。 3)甲状旁腺最大面积,Nx-HP组甲状旁腺最大面积/体重比值最大,缬沙坦和塞来昔布干预后最大面积/体重比值较Nx-HP组减小(P均0.01)。 4)免疫组化结果显示,COX-2在假手术组肾脏致密斑阳性表达、在甲状旁腺组织中几乎没有表达,在Nx组大鼠中阳性表达增加。 结论 5/6肾大部切除结合高磷饮食喂养可以成功建立SHPT大鼠模型。缬沙坦可改善尿毒症大鼠肾功能和甲状旁腺功能亢进,减轻肾脏纤维化和甲状旁腺增生。
[Abstract]:Background the parathyroid tissue is a very poorly differentiated tissue under physiological conditions. The human parathyroid cells have a life cycle of about 20 years, which is clear about the life cycle of human and rat parathyroid tissues. The survival cycle of rat parathyroid cells is about 2 years. CRF patients have been continuously stimulated parathyroid tissue due to the presence of low calcium, high P or active vitamin D deficiency in the body. The normal poorly differentiated parathyroid tissue is transformed into proliferative and proliferative state, and the proliferation of parathyroid gland results in the proliferation of parathyroid gland, adenoma, and monoclonal nodule of parathyroid gland. The expression of COX-2 in PG nodules was increased in the patients with adenocarcinoma. It was confirmed that celecoxib could inhibit the proliferation of PG in rats with secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failure (CRF). The expression of Ang 鈪,
[Abstract]:Background the parathyroid tissue is a very poorly differentiated tissue under physiological conditions. The human parathyroid cells have a life cycle of about 20 years, which is clear about the life cycle of human and rat parathyroid tissues. The survival cycle of rat parathyroid cells is about 2 years. CRF patients have been continuously stimulated parathyroid tissue due to the presence of low calcium, high P or active vitamin D deficiency in the body. The normal poorly differentiated parathyroid tissue is transformed into proliferative and proliferative state, and the proliferation of parathyroid gland results in the proliferation of parathyroid gland, adenoma, and monoclonal nodule of parathyroid gland. The expression of COX-2 in PG nodules was increased in the patients with adenocarcinoma. It was confirmed that celecoxib could inhibit the proliferation of PG in rats with secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failure (CRF). The expression of Ang 鈪,