[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the basic clinical features of infertile men with second birth. Methods 410 male infertile patients were selected from Peking Union Hospital and Renhe Hospital, including 264 cases of one-child infertility (group A) and 146 cases of second-born infertility (group B). The data of general information and semen analysis were collected by outpatient questionnaire, and erectile function was investigated by International questionnaire of erectile function (IIEF-5). Results the age of the patients in group A and group B were (31.3 卤5.4) years old and (39.5 卤4.8) years old (P0.01) respectively, and the patients were complicated with more than one chronic disease (diabetes mellitus, hypertension), the age of group B was (31.3 卤5.4) years old and (39.5 卤4.8) years old (P0.01). The incidence of prostatic diseases was 14.8% (39 / 264) and 24.7% (36 / 146) respectively (P0.05), the number of sexual intercourse per month was (9.7 卤1.2) and (6.5 卤1.4) (P0.01), the incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED) was 50.8% (134264 / 264) and 70.5% (103r146) (P0.01) respectively. The incidence of severe ED in group B was 10.3%, which was significantly higher than that in group A (P 0.01). The sperm concentration in group A [(39.7 卤10.6) 脳 10 ~ (-6) / mL] was higher than that in group B [(34.6 卤8.5) 脳 10 ~ (6) / mL] (P0.01), but the total sperm count in group A [(114.3 卤33.4) 脳 10 ~ (6) 脳 10 ~ (6)] was lower than that in group B [(150.4 卤41.1) 脳 10 ~ (6) 脳 10 ~ (6)] (P _ (0.01). The sperm motility of group A was 12.6% 卤5.5% higher than that of group B (8.5% 卤3.2%). The rate of (a b) and total motility of sperm in group A was significantly lower than that in group B [(150.4 卤41.1) 脳 10 ~ (6) 脳 10 ~ (6)] (P0.01). There is no statistical difference in the surface. Conclusion the male infertile patients with second birth have the characteristics of older age, more chronic diseases, less sexual intercourse, easy to develop E D, and good sperm quality. The clinical diagnosis and treatment should be paid attention to and adjusted accordingly.
【作者单位】: 中国医学科学院北京协和医院泌尿外科;山东省交通医院;北京市仁和医院男科;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81370698;81671448) 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(7162152)~~
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