[Abstract]:Aim: to establish a chicken embryonic kidney injury model by using the characteristics of cisplatin excretion through the kidney, and to analyze the relationship between kidney development and skeletal system development in embryonic stage. Using chicken embryo as experimental model, the relationship between kidney and skeletal system development during embryonic period was discussed. Methods: 48 fresh chicken eggs were incubated in constant temperature incubator for 4 days. The eggs were randomly divided into 4 groups: blank control group and cisplatin exposure 25 渭 g / eggshell 50 渭 lg/egg,100 渭 g/egg group. The embryonic limb bud tissue was isolated from the chicken embryo at 4.5 days. The embryo bone cells were cultured in vitro with H. E and Alicin-alizarin red double staining for morphological observation. The expression levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) in tissue sections and calcium content of 25 (OH) D were determined. Results with the increase of exposure dose, there was a significant difference in renal development between cisplatin exposure group and Cisplatin exposure group (P0.01), and there was a dose-dependent (P0.01) RT-PCR result of Col _ 2AlPPA-Runx _ (2) and SOX9 MMP13GADPH, showing that there was no significant difference in renal development between cisplatin exposure group and Cisplatin exposure group (P0.01). The expression of osteogenesis related genes decreased (P0.05) and the ALP and TRAP of tissue sections decreased with the increase of cisplatin exposure dose (P0.05). Conclusion: it is feasible to establish chicken embryo kidney injury model by using cisplatin. 2) there is no direct effect of cisplatin on the bone development of chicken embryo. It mainly affects the function of osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
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