发布时间:2022-01-13 03:25
目的:根治性膀胱切除联合尿路改道是膀胱癌外科治疗的常用手段,但同时具有尿道复发的风险。一系列研究报道了各种导致尿道复发的危险因素,但尚未有文献对其预测风险价值进行统计分析。此外,随访周期和随访策略也与尿道复发率密切相关,目前也尚未系统性地建立完善的随访方案。因此,我们设计本次荟萃分析评估尿道复发的发生率,同时权衡不同危险因素对尿道复发的预测价值。此外,本次荟萃分析还总结了尿道复发患者的随访方案和治疗方法,并分析了其与预后的关系。材料与方法:采用PubMed、EMBASE和MEDLINE检索1971-2016年发表的研究。我们使用STATA软件(版本12.0)来估计集中风险率,使用Cochran’sχ2-based Q和I2测试评估异质性。结果:最终25个研究符合纳入标准,共纳入9498例患者。其中23人报告了参与者的性别,20人提供了患者的年龄,平均年龄为62.3岁(27岁至89岁)。在17项研究中描述了随访时间,平均为50.5个月(范围从1月到254月)。原位癌患者的尿道复发率高于无原位癌患者。浅表性膀胱癌患者尿道复发率较高,膀胱内型膀胱癌患者尿道复发率高于膀胱外型膀胱癌患者。与CS...
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图 2 病理分期风险比的森林图和漏斗图Figure 2. forest plots and funnel plots of risk ratio for pathological stages正方形表示风险比(RR),水平线表示每个纳入试验的 95%置信区间(CI);荟萃分析中一个试验的统计权重与每个正方形的大小成正比;菱形表示合并风险比和 95%置信区间,中间表示点估计值,左右两端表示 95% CI。The squares indicated the risk ratio (RR), and the horizontal lines indicated the 95% confideninterval (CI) for each included trial; the statistical weight of a trial in the meta-analysis wproportional to the size of each square; diamonds indicate the pooled risk ratio and 95% confideninterval, with the center indicating the point estimate and the left and the right ends indicating th95% CI.2.6 合并 CIS 和无 CISCIS 作为膀胱癌复发的高危因素,并不是单一病变。常与其他病理分期及恶性尿道缘等特征有关。多灶性、前列腺尿道受累、卡介苗反应与预后密切相关。27本
图 4 转移类型、膀胱颈受累、淋巴结受累、性别影响、多灶性和单发性膀胱癌、前列腺受累、尿道缘的风险比森林图和漏斗图Figure 4. forest plots and funnel plots of risk ratio for Diversion types, Bladder neckinvolvement, Node involvement, Gender influence, Multifocal and solitary bladder cancer,Prostate involvement, Urethral margin.正方形表示风险比(RR),水平线表示每个纳入试验的 95%置信区间(CI); 荟萃分析中一个试验的统计权重与每个正方形的大小成正比;菱形表示合并风险比和 95%置信区间,中间表示点估计值,左右两端表示 95% CI。The squares indicated the risk ratio (RR), and the horizontal lines indicated the 95%confidence interval (CI) for each included trial; the statistical weight of a trial in the meta-analysiswas proportional to the size of each square; diamonds indicate the pooled risk ratio and 95%confidence interval, with the center indicating the point estimate and the left and the right endsindicating the 95% CI.2.10 膀胱颈侵袭
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图 2 病理分期风险比的森林图和漏斗图Figure 2. forest plots and funnel plots of risk ratio for pathological stages正方形表示风险比(RR),水平线表示每个纳入试验的 95%置信区间(CI);荟萃分析中一个试验的统计权重与每个正方形的大小成正比;菱形表示合并风险比和 95%置信区间,中间表示点估计值,左右两端表示 95% CI。The squares indicated the risk ratio (RR), and the horizontal lines indicated the 95% confideninterval (CI) for each included trial; the statistical weight of a trial in the meta-analysis wproportional to the size of each square; diamonds indicate the pooled risk ratio and 95% confideninterval, with the center indicating the point estimate and the left and the right ends indicating th95% CI.2.6 合并 CIS 和无 CISCIS 作为膀胱癌复发的高危因素,并不是单一病变。常与其他病理分期及恶性尿道缘等特征有关。多灶性、前列腺尿道受累、卡介苗反应与预后密切相关。27本
图 4 转移类型、膀胱颈受累、淋巴结受累、性别影响、多灶性和单发性膀胱癌、前列腺受累、尿道缘的风险比森林图和漏斗图Figure 4. forest plots and funnel plots of risk ratio for Diversion types, Bladder neckinvolvement, Node involvement, Gender influence, Multifocal and solitary bladder cancer,Prostate involvement, Urethral margin.正方形表示风险比(RR),水平线表示每个纳入试验的 95%置信区间(CI); 荟萃分析中一个试验的统计权重与每个正方形的大小成正比;菱形表示合并风险比和 95%置信区间,中间表示点估计值,左右两端表示 95% CI。The squares indicated the risk ratio (RR), and the horizontal lines indicated the 95%confidence interval (CI) for each included trial; the statistical weight of a trial in the meta-analysiswas proportional to the size of each square; diamonds indicate the pooled risk ratio and 95%confidence interval, with the center indicating the point estimate and the left and the right endsindicating the 95% CI.2.10 膀胱颈侵袭