[Abstract]:In recent years, medical accidents have become more frequent and the contradiction between doctors and patients has become more and more intense. And the surgical accident caused by surgeons' errors in medical accidents is a large proportion. The training and training of surgeons are being paid more and more attention, and there are many restrictive factors in the traditional operation training, which can not satisfy the reality. The development of virtual reality technology is expected to solve the shortcomings of traditional surgical training methods and bring revolutionary advances in technology. The virtual operating system based on force feedback can make the operator more interactive. It is a probe into the feature of tactile in virtual reality technology. This paper is based on the virtual surgery system based on the feedback of force. Research on hardware platform.
According to the technical route from the theory to the application, from the design to the realization, the virtual force feedback manipulator and the corresponding control system are studied under the framework of the virtual operation system, and the design, processing and processing of the two DOF feedback experiment platform and the virtual operation hardware platform of the six DOF feedback force feedback are combined. In the process of assembly and debugging, the key technologies of force feedback hardware platform are deeply studied.
This paper explores the construction of virtual operation hardware platform based on force feedback. It studies the design and analysis and Simulation of the force feedback manipulator, the design of the sensing and control of the lower computer, the communication of the upper computer and the software platform of the virtual operation environment. The design and control system of the force back feed manipulator are focused on. The design of the manipulator is studied. Considering the actual requirements of virtual force perception and virtual surgery, the two degree of freedom experimental platform was developed to test and verify the virtual force sense, and the virtual operation platform of six DOF force feedback was developed in combination with the actual requirement of virtual surgery. The kinematics and dynamics of the six DOF feedback manipulator were analyzed and its matching control was developed. At the same time, the lower computer control system and upper computer system are studied, and the virtual surgery software platform is briefly analyzed.
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