本文关键词:结合呼出气、影像及风险因素的肺癌早期诊断模型研究 出处:《浙江大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 肺癌 影像学 呼出气标识物 风险因素 诊断模型
[Abstract]:Lung cancer is the most common malignant tumor in the world. In recent years, the incidence of lung cancer in China has shown a trend of rapid growth, but due to the early symptoms of lung cancer is not easy to identify, and easy to metastasize and other natural characteristics. As a result of lung cancer treatment window period is short, the cure rate is low, so early diagnosis is particularly important. It can prolong the treatment window of patients and improve the survival rate of patients. This study is based on the study of the identification of lung cancer by exhalating volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Combined with clinical imaging judgment and lung cancer risk factors, the corresponding early diagnosis model was studied. The main contents include the design and realization of the hardware platform and flow chart of the detection: 149 healthy people were detected and analyzed by using the exhalation detection platform of gas recovery instrument thermal desorption instrument gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Expression of vocs in exhaled gases from 27 patients with benign lung diseases and 60 patients with lung cancer. A questionnaire was designed to assess the risk factors of lung cancer. The database of lung cancer risk diagnosis was established based on the questionnaire information, and the imaging information of the subjects involved in the study was analyzed. And the extraction of imaging classification features to improve the risk diagnosis database. This paper also on the platform of the exhalation process, sample pre-processing process. Sample logistics process and testing process of quality control research. 2) data analysis and data processing and interactive software design and implementation: completed the vocs data processing and analysis software. All exhalation samples are processed without background, and batch processing and data import of data collection and analysis of exhalation data are realized. At the same time, in order to facilitate the participants in the study to query the results of the experiment. Extended design of a mobile end of the data interaction application. 3) Lung cancer population risk factors and exhalation markers correlation study: analysis of the exhalation of VOCs imaging, smoking behavior, sex. Age and other risk factors were correlated, and 13 VOCs were found to be significantly correlated with imaging. 3 VOCs were significantly correlated with smoking status. Two kinds of VOCs were significantly correlated with "number of years of smoking" and one VOCs was significantly correlated with "smoking mode". 10 kinds of VOCs were significantly correlated with "average daily smoking number". Three kinds of VOCs were significantly correlated with sex. Eight types of VOCs were significantly correlated with age. 4) based on the results of correlation studies, early diagnosis models of lung cancer were constructed and optimized: after analyzing the sensitivity and specificity of lung cancer from imaging alone. 31 kinds of lung cancer selected from combined exhalation were highly correlated with VOCs and imaging information, smoking behavior, sex, age and so on, respectively using Logistic regression model. BP neural network model and Fisher discriminant model were used to establish the early diagnosis model of lung cancer. Multi-factor diagnosis model can effectively improve the diagnosis rate of lung cancer. This paper preliminarily studied the diagnostic model of breath out marker combined with imaging judgment and population risk factors. It is hoped that these models can be used in early diagnosis and screening of lung cancer in the near future.
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