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发布时间:2018-04-22 00:28

  本文选题:胃癌 + 定量蛋白质组学 ; 参考:《第四军医大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Cancer is a global epidemic of cancer epidemic statistics that causes human death in.2012. Lung, breast and colorectal cancer are the most common cancers diagnosed worldwide, while lung, liver and gastric cancer are the most fatal cancers. The report points out that the new and dead cancer patients in China live in the first.2014 of the world. The latest research in the cancer registration center shows that lung cancer, gastric cancer and liver cancer are the most common first three cancers in our country, while lung cancer, liver cancer and gastric cancer are the top three fatal cancers. Thus, cancer and even gastric cancer are seriously endangering the health of our population. It is very important to prevent, diagnose and treat it. The malignant tumor caused by the interaction of factors and environmental factors. The methods of clinical use for the treatment of gastric cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but because of their lack of obvious clinical features, the 5 year survival rate of the operation and chemotherapy is not high, due to the lack of obvious clinical features. It is about 10%-30%. in recent years, and the targeted therapy is in clinical practice. However, there are still many obstacles to the development of targeted therapy, especially the poor key signal pathways of the tumor cells, lack of ideal targets and few effective drugs. Therefore, early diagnostic markers, drug target molecular discovery and clinical therapy target drug development are It is an important problem to be solved urgently. It is not only possible to provide markers for the early diagnosis of the disease, but also provide candidate targets and new strategies for the clinical treatment of gastric cancer. On the one hand, the possible molecular regulation mechanism of differential expression proteins involved in the development and development of gastric cancer is described. On the other hand, the possible molecular markers in the carcinogenesis and development of gastric cancer are discussed. In addition, the nuclear inhomogeneous ribonucleoprotein D (hnrnpd) in gastric cancer was first discussed at the cell level by immunofluorescence, gene transfection, flow cytometry, MTT, Transwell chamber, real-time quantitative PCR, immunoprecipitation and Western blotting, in addition to the real-time quantitative PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The molecular mechanism in the course provides a theoretical basis for its effective molecular markers. Through a series of experimental studies above, we have obtained the following results and conclusions. First, 3100-3700 kinds of proteins were identified by unmarked quantitative proteomic techniques, respectively. 146 differentially expressed proteins, of which 81 were down regulated in gastric cancer tissues, and 65 were up-regulated in gastric cancer tissues. Secondly, through bioinformatics analysis, 146 differentially expressed proteins were closely related to cancer, the most one was nucleic acid binding protein, with nucleotides binding activity, catalytic activity, structural molecular activity and transporter activity. Sex and other molecular functions, form interrelated networks, participate in metabolites and energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, gene expression, nucleotide synthesis, RNA shearing and processing, transcriptional regulation and other biological processes and related signaling pathways to regulate the occurrence and development of gastric cancer. Third, 4 differentially expressed molecules are used in real time quantitative PCR, Western blot and Immunohistochemistry showed that hnrnpa2b1, hnrnpd, hnrnpl and ybx-1 were highly expressed in gastric cancer tissues, low expression in para cancerous tissues, and the distribution characteristics of hnrnpa2b1 and hnrnpd were highly consistent with ybx-1 in gastric cancer tissues, and both of them had a mass nuclear transfer. Among them, the identification of high expression of hnrnpd and hnrnpl in gastric cancer was the first report. Finally, In order to explore the relationship between hnrnpd and the development of gastric cancer and its possible molecular mechanism, first of all, the expression of hnrnpd in gastric cancer cells was mainly distributed in the nucleus by immunofluorescence, and then h was explored by gene transfection, flow cytometry, MTT, Transwell chamber, real-time PCR, immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. Nrnpd can promote the proliferation and migration of gastric cancer cells, regulate cell cycle and inhibit cell apoptosis, and combine a series of cell cycle regulators and proto oncogene mRNA, mediate the change of related mRNA expression level and possibly participate in the proliferation of gastric cancer cells through the ybx-1-pi3k/akt signaling pathway, and affect the development of gastric cancer.



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