[Abstract]:Objective: the liver is a common metastatic site of neuroendocrine tumors in the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, but a few neuroendocrine tumors can be found in the liver. In this study, we collected the clinical data of 40 patients with liver neuroendocrine neoplasms hospitalized in our hospital from January 2012 to January 2017, and retrospectively analyzed the diagnosis and treatment of primary and metastatic hepatic neuroendocrine tumors. The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the clinicopathological features, classification, treatment scheme and prognosis of metastatic neuroendocrine tumors and primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumors. Methods: the clinical data of 40 patients with liver neuroendocrine neoplasms treated in our center from January 2012 to January 2017 were collected. (1) the general characteristics of the patients were collected: age, sex, smoking and drinking history, family cancer history. The pathobiological features of); (_ 2 were as follows: routine HE staining, microscopic observation of tumor cell aggregation, size, morphology and mitosis; Immunohistochemical staining, tumor location, tumor diameter, tumor lymph node metastasis rate. (3) liver neuroendocrine tumor treatment: including surgical treatment, whether hepatic artery embolization treatment, radiofrequency ablation, (4) survival status of patients with prognosis and follow-up. Collate clinical data, use Graphpad prism software 7.0 version for statistical analysis. Results: primary and metastatic liver neuroendocrine tumors had no specific clinical manifestations at early stage, and most of the patients were found at physical examination. The incidence of primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumors has no significant gender difference, while metastatic neuroendocrine tumors are more common in 50 ~ 59 years old men. The diagnosis of both depends on immunohistochemical examination and the presence of definite extrahepatic primary lesions. The synaptic vesicle protein, chromogranin A and CD56 in immunohistochemistry should be the important basis for accurate diagnosis of hepatic neuroendocrine tumors. The prognosis of primary and metastatic hepatic neuroendocrine tumors is mainly related to their resectability and pathological grade. The most recommended treatment is complete resection of the tumor. Preoperative and postoperative treatment including arterial chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation and chemotherapy can improve survival and prognosis of patients. Conclusion both of them are neuroendocrine tumors with no specific clinical manifestations in the early stage. The diagnosis depends on immunohistochemistry and the presence of extrahepatic primary lesions. Pathological grading and surgical treatment are important factors affecting the prognosis. Surgical resection is the most effective treatment for PHNET and MHNET.
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