[Abstract]:Part I: Molecular typing of anaplastic gliomas based on gene expression profiles: Previous genome-wide expression profiles have shown good stability and effectiveness in the study of molecular typing of full-grade gliomas (WHO II-IV) or primary glioblastomas (WHO IV), and can be used to reveal different cell origins of gliomas. Methods: To obtain an objective and feasible molecular typing scheme for anaplastic gliomas, we downloaded three sets of mutually independent metaplastic gliomas gene tables from a public database. By combining univariate Cox regression, linear combination of risk score and ROC curve, we constructed gene tags with the best prognostic discrimination effect. To further explain the molecular mechanism of prognostic differences among different subtypes, we continued to apply gene ontology analysis (GO), genome. Variation analysis (GSVA) and genome enrichment analysis (GSEA) were used to reveal the biological functions associated with the classification. Results: A total of 444 cases of anaplastic glioma gene expression profiles were collected from different platforms (34 cases in CGGA database, 80 cases in GSE16011 database, 67 cases in REMBRANDT database and 263 cases in TCGA database). Finally, we obtained a three-gene-based molecular typing scheme for anaplastic gliomas. The scheme divides anaplastic gliomas into high-risk group and low-risk group, and the prognosis of the two groups is significantly different. The high-risk group had more aggressive tumors and more complex genetic background. Conclusion: The three-gene typing scheme can well distinguish the clinical prognosis of patients. BACKGROUND OF BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE IN GLIOMA: The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies gliomas into different pathological grades according to their morphological characteristics. However, even in the same grade of tumors, their malignancy still varies considerably. This suggests that we should look for more objective and effective indicators to accurately judge the malignancy and biology of tumors. Phosphorylated histone H3 (p HH3) is a widely reported biomarker in various somatic tumors and has a characteristic expression in the stage of tumor cell division. Methods: To study the prognostic value and biological function of P HH3 in gliomas, we first studied the expression of P HH3 in 61 cases of anaplastic gliomas by immunohistochemistry. Then we studied P HH3 and its related genes in glia by using 325 Chinese glioma m RNA sequencing data, 169 US TCGA glioblastoma m RNA sequencing data, 305 Chinese glioma m RNA microarray data and 603 US TCGA glioblastoma m RNA microarray data. The prognostic value and biological significance of tumors were further confirmed by multivariate Cox regression and genome enrichment analysis (GSEA). Results: The expression of P HH3 protein, m RNA and P HH3-related genes could predict the prognosis of patients in multiple datasets. In addition, in the GSEA results, we found that P HH3 is not only associated with cell cycle, but also with epithelial-mesenchymal transformation of tumors. Conclusion: PHH3 and its related genes can be divided into two different subtypes of gliomas. The two subtypes of tumors have distinct clinical prognosis and biological characteristics. The biological significance of tumor cell purity in glioma: glioma tissue contains not only tumor cells, but also stromal cells, immune cells and other non-tumor cells. These non-tumor cells dilute the purity of tumor cells and play an important role in the microenvironment of tumor survival. Methods: We collected the purity of glioma cells from 5 clinical cohorts and 2 249 samples. According to the different research methods in the five cohorts, the data from RNA sequencing sources (CGGA, TCGA RNA sequencing data) were used as discovery group and the data from m RNA microarray sources (CGGA, TCGA, REMB). RANDT, GSE16011 m RNA chip data) were used as the validation group. In addition, CGGA-derived tumor samples were validated by HE and immunohistochemical methods. Results: We found that tumor cell purity was significantly correlated with major clinical and molecular pathological events of gliomas. After incorporating the tumor purity index, the effectiveness of many known prognostic factors has been significantly reduced, further validating the important biological significance of tumor purity. In addition, through joint analysis of sample-related genomic data, we found the purity phase of tumor cells. Associated with prognostic analysis, we found that the expression profiles of macrophages, microglia and neutrophils were correlated with the prognosis. Conclusion: The purity of tumor cells and the proportion of non-tumor cells in tumor microenvironment are significantly correlated with clinical and genomic characteristics, which is of great significance for accurate classification and clinical diagnosis of glioma.
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