[Abstract]:Objective: To explore the epigenetic changes of Wnt pathway inhibitor gene, the relationship between histone modification and the expression of genes related to acute leukemia, the effect of Genistein on the transcriptional regulation of Wnt pathway inhibitor gene, the effect of histone modification and its possible mechanism, and to provide a new idea for the epigenetic treatment of leukemia. Methods: 1. Quantitative RT PCR was used to detect the expression of genes related to Wnt pathway inhibitor. Expression of Wnt pathway antagonist gene (Wnt5a, HDPR1, DKK1, DKK3) mRNA in patients with acute leukemia and normal controls, Pyrophosphate sequencing, methylation-specific PCR (MSP) were used to detect methylation status of Wnt5a promoter region, and Western Blot was used to detect acute myeloid leukemia, Wnt5a protein and histone H4K20 in normal controls. To analyze the correlation between the expression of Wnt5a protein and histone H4K20me1; 2. Genistein was used to treat hypermethylation-inactivated Jurkat and U937 cells with Wnt pathway antagonist genes (Wnt5a, HDPR1, DKKK1, DKK3), to observe cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle changes, to detect Wnt pathway antagonist gene, H4K20me1 methyltransferase (set8) and Wnt pathway antagonist gene. The methylation of Wnt5a promoter region was detected by BSP and pyrophosphate sequencing. The enrichment of H4K20me and H3K9ac in the promoter region and coding region of Wnt5a gene in the control group and the drug group was detected by chromatin immunoprecipitation (CHIP-qPCR). To analyze how Genistein regulates the expression of target genes downstream of Wnt signal transduction pathway by histone modification, to explore the relationship between the recovery of Wnt5a expression and histone H4K20me1, and the possible mechanism of Genistein-induced apoptosis and cell cycle changes. Cells and Kasumi cells were infected to detect the effects of Wnt5a overexpression on cell proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis. The expression of key effector protein beta-catenin, downstream target gene c-myc, histone H4K20me1, cell cycle (G2/M phase) related protein and apoptosis related protein were detected by Western Blot assay. To investigate the mechanism of Wnt5a gene in leukemia cells by antagonizing proliferation, inducing apoptosis and blocking cell cycle. Results: 1. Wnt5a (Wnt5a, HDPR1, DKK1, DKKK3) was widely low expressed in acute myeloid leukemia, but the expression of Wnt5a was different in lymphocytic leukemia, especially in acute T lymphocytic leukemia. The expression of DKK1 in AML patients was significantly higher than that in normal controls. 2. The methylation of Wnt5a gene was common in AML patients, resulting in a decrease in the expression of H4K20me1. The expression of Wnt5a was positively correlated with the expression of H4K20me1, and was related to the coding region of H4K20me1, which was enriched in the promoter region of Wnt5a. However, there was no correlation between the expression of Wnt5a and the expression of H4K20me1 in normal people. Kat, U937 cells proliferate, block cell cycle progression, and induce apoptosis. Its mechanism is related to activating H4K20me1 methyltransferase (set8), increasing H4K20me1 enrichment in promoter regions such as Wnt5a, thus activating Wnt pathway inhibitor genes, inhibiting Wnt / beta-catenin signaling pathway, and not related to Wnt5a promoter methylation status. Changes in histone modification can regulate gene expression without reversing methylation. 5. Overexpression of Wnt5a gene in Jurkat, Kasumi cells with low expression of Wnt5a can inhibit cell proliferation, promote apoptosis and block cell cycle at G2/M phase, and Geni phase. Stein induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest similar changes, considering the anti-tumor effect of Genistein is mainly achieved by increasing the expression of Wnt5a; Wnt5a overexpression has no effect on histone H4K20me1 expression; because Wnt5a can play an obvious anti-tumor role in leukemia cells, may become an important target of gene therapy. Wnt pathway antagonist gene methylation is common in patients with hematological diseases, especially in AML patients, and ALL has certain differences due to different patients and types; Wnt 5A gene expression is positively correlated with gene promoter region, coding region H4K20me1 enrichment multiple, H4K20me1 promotes Wnt 5A expression by promoting transcriptional initiation and transcriptional extension Genistein interferes with the expression of tumor suppressor gene Wnt5a in leukemia cells by enriching H4K20me1 in the promoter region of Wnt5a, which is not related to the methylation status of promoter region; Wnt5a gene has a similar mechanism with Genistein in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis induction and anti-proliferation, and can prevent CDK1 kinase. P21 activity and induction up-regulate, activate non-classical Wnt pathway, lead to down-regulation of beta-catenin, Wnt classical pathway downstream gene transcription is inhibited.
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