[Abstract]:Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles in the process of constant division and fusion. Mitochondrial division and fusion not only play an important role in maintaining mitochondrial morphology, calcium homeostasis, ROS production [1,2], but also have an important impact on cell metabolism, proliferation and migration [3-5]. The prognosis of breast cancer (TNBC) is worse than that of non-tri-negative breast cancer (6). The reason may be related to the enhancement of tumor cell viability [7,8] and the lack of effective targeted therapy, but the specific mechanism is not fully clear. The aim of this project is to investigate the distribution of mitochondrial fission and fusion and its relationship with prognosis in triple-negative breast cancer. (2) Mitochondrial fission and fusion regulation. Materials and Methods 1. The distribution of mitochondrial fission and fusion was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the prognostic correlation was analyzed statistically. 2. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blot, and qRT-PCR were used. Drp1 and Mfn1 proteins and mRNA levels were detected in clinical tissue samples and cells of triple-negative breast cancer. Mitochondrial division mediated by Drp1 and triple-negative breast cancer cell model mediated by Mfn1 were constructed by cell transfection. 4. MTS assay was used to detect the cell viability of the triple-negative breast cancer cell model mediated by Drp1/Mfn1. Tumor formation assay was used to detect the tumorigenic ability of Drp1/Mfn1-mediated mitochondrial division and fusion cell model.6, Annexin V-FITC/PI flow cytometry, TUNEL staining to detect the effect of Drp1/Mfn1-mediated mitochondrial division and fusion on cell apoptosis.7, Eud test and IHC Ki67 staining to detect the effect of Drp1/Mfn1-mediated mitochondrial division and fusion on cell proliferation. Mito Traker Green staining was used to detect mitochondrial morphology to explore the interaction between mitochondrial fission fusion and Notch signal. 9. Annexin V-FITC/PI flow cytometry and Edu were used to detect the effects of mitochondrial fission fusion and Notch signal interaction on apoptosis and proliferation, respectively. 10. Western blot was used to detect the regulatory effect of mitochondrial mitotic fusion and Notch signaling on the expression of Survivin protein. 11. MST assay verified the effect of Survivin-mediated mitochondrial fusion and Notch signaling interaction on cell viability. Results 1. Mitochondrial division increased, fusion decreased and mitochondrial division mediated by Survivin-mediated mitochondrial fusion in triple-negative breast cancer. The expression of Drp1 was negatively correlated with the prognosis of TNBC, and the expression of MFn1 mediated mitochondrial fusion was positively correlated with the prognosis. Mitochondrial fusion mediated by Mfn1 inhibits Notch1 expression and NICD1 activation. 4. Notch signal activation promotes mitochondrial division and inhibits mitochondrial fusion. 5. The interaction of mitochondrial division and Notch signal inhibits cell apoptosis, promotes cell proliferation, and positively regulates the expression of Survivin. Conclusion This study clarifies the positive feedback regulation of mitochondrial division and Notch signaling pathway and promotes the proliferation and inhibits apoptosis of triple-negative breast cancer cells through survivin mediation.
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