[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the effect of gastroscopy monitoring in high risk population of gastric cancer on the basis of age and sex, and to determine the optimal strategy of long-term gastroscopy monitoring for high risk population of gastric cancer at present economic level. Methods the Markov model based on the natural history of gastric cancer was constructed, and two screening schemes were simulated and evaluated: once a year and every two years, and no gastroscope screening was used as a control program to calculate the quality-adjusted life years (QLYs). Incremental cost effectiveness ratio and other economic indicators. Results at the age of 40, 45 and 50, the incremental cost effect of screening once a year was 23604.7 / QALYs (31287.4 / 444439.2), which was less than that of willingness to pay (52000). Moreover, the (QALYs) of quality adjusted life years is larger than that of every two years and no screening strategy, so the best strategy of gastroscopy is to screen once a year. At the age of 55, the ICER (yuan / QALYs) of every year and every two years was 71382.3 / QALYs, which was not cost effective, so the screening effect was poor after 55 years of age. Gender groups do not change the choice of optimal strategies. Conclusion with the increasing of screening age, the cost and effect of the three strategies are all decreasing. The best strategy for gastroscopy monitoring is to screen once a year before 55 years old.
【作者单位】: 徐州医科大学公共卫生学院;
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