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发布时间:2018-06-08 00:04

  本文选题:伦理委员会 + 稿件处理情况 ; 参考:《江苏预防医学》2016年02期

[Abstract]:We only accept online contributions. Please log in at http: / jsyf.cbpt.cnki.net to register and upload contributions. And please send a letter of introduction (indicating that the source of the information is true and reliable, no more than one draft), Signature is uncontroversial and does not involve confidentiality issues, etc., copy of the approval letter of the Ethics Committee (the list of members of the Ethics Committee and its signature when the study report is to be studied) is mailed to the editorial Office or the mailbox of the journal. The author can log on to the above Web site to inquire about the handling of manuscripts. If you do not receive a copy of the acceptance notice within 3 months after receiving the mail, it is still in the


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