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发布时间:2018-01-11 15:07

  本文关键词:基于复杂网络分析技术对针灸治疗心系疾病用穴规律的研究 出处:《成都中医药大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 心系疾病 复杂网络 针灸治疗 用穴规律

[Abstract]:Objective: analysis of the complex network technology on the ancient and modern literature of acupuncture in the treatment of heart diseases were studied based on the summary of acupuncture treatment of the disease with points of law, confirm the feasibility of complex network methods, and provide basis and suggestion for clinical acupoint selection. Methods: collecting ancient acupuncture treatment heart disease and modern literature. According to < syndrome Chinese classification and code > and < the editor of Zhao Geng medicine and disease control dictionary >, determine the heart disease corresponding to the ancient name of disease and modern disease. Ancient literature in "China acupuncture literature as the basis for a comprehensive collection of summary >. Modern literature collection and manual retrieval method through the combination of the computer retrieval in acupuncture the prescription consists of fourteen acupoints, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, moxibustion for clinical research literature major interventions. Through rigorous screening data, input the qualified literature to establish the system. In the literature of acupuncture and moxibustion and acupoints database database, construction of acupoints - acupoints network, using the complex network method of acupuncture in the treatment of heart disease to assess the importance of acupuncture points, find effective acupoints to extract the core point group, at the same time, according to the frequency statistics and association rules into exploring the use of acupuncture treatment of the disease. Results: the specific acupoints of meridians and acupoints in ancient times - network node point total of 91 points. Points degree ranked the forefront of the God door, daling, Neiguan and Xinshu acupoint, Juque, betweenness centrality ranking for BL15, daling, blunt, Neiguan, Shenmen, eigenvector centrality ranking at the forefront of the acupoints of Shenmen, daling, Neiguan, Juque, foot through the valley, ranking as the frequency of use of acupoint Xinshu, Juque, daling, Neiguan, Shenmen acupoint group. The core including the door of God, the 14 acupoints Daling. Acupuncture prescription selected meridian is widely distributed in fourteen, to Pericardium meridian. The most frequently selected specific points which are used most often to point lost five transport points, followed by the original point and intersection point. The community is mainly divided into specific acupoints of thoracic and abdominal acupoints. Modern acupoints - acupoints network node of a total of 83 points, ranking as the degree of acupoint Neiguan and Xinshu, mutton in the door of God, jueyinshu acupoint, betweenness centrality ranking 6, Yanglingquan, BL15, Shenmen, danzhong, eigenvector centrality at the top of the rankings for acupoint Xinshu, Neiguan, danzhong, Shenmen, Sanyinjiao acupoints, the frequency of use of ranking 6, heart Yu, danzhong, Shenmen, Zusanli acupoint group. The core including BL15, 41 acupoints Neiguan. Acupuncture prescription meridian is widely distributed in the fourteen selected by the pericardium meridian selected most frequently. Specific points which are used most often as a complex point, followed by eight confluence points and back Shu points. The main community divided into specific Acupoint and heart, pericardium meridian acupoint and acupoint - acupoints. Conclusion: the network meets the small world and scale-free characteristics. Acupuncture treatment of heart diseases selected points follow the "acupoint" rules, and pay attention to selection of local acupoints and specific points. The points are important channels and specific points of division community. Treatment of heart disease, acupoints should distinguish primary and secondary, with points around the important points in the network node points - points, selection of the core point group, with the greatest effect play synergistic effect of acupoints.



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