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发布时间:2018-01-11 15:39

  本文关键词:腹针与CPM训练在TKA术后早期康复管理中的疗效对比观察 出处:《广州中医药大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 持续被动训练(CPM)机 腹针 全膝关节置换术(TKA) 早期康复

[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of abdominal acupuncture therapy and CPM training on patients after TKA, so as to find out the respective advantages of abdominal acupuncture therapy and CPM machine training. Finally, the combination of early rehabilitation measures after TKA surgery was optimized to explore a scientific comprehensive rehabilitation scheme of traditional Chinese and western medicine after TKA surgery, which was beneficial to clinical popularization. Methods: the prospective randomized controlled study and the random digital table method were used in this study. From August 2013 to December 2015, 96 TKA patients who were admitted to Department of Orthopaedics, Guangdong Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, were randomly divided into two groups. The patients were divided into CPM group (n = 32), abdominal acupuncture group (n = 32) and control group (n = 32). All the three groups were given routine early rehabilitation training combined with CPM machine training on the basis of early rehabilitation training. Abdominal acupuncture group combined with abdominal acupuncture therapy on the basis of early rehabilitation training. CPM group received 12 CPM machine training in the whole course of the study. The abdominal acupuncture group received 12 times of abdominal acupuncture treatment. HSS knee function scale was used to evaluate the visual pain score and the angle of passive motion of joints in the three groups 3 days after operation and 7 days after operation. After 12 days of HSS score, pain and joint motion were compared in three aspects. Statistical method, the data were first baseline analysis, counting data group and group comparison using chi-square test. The matched t test was used in the comparison of the measurement data according to the characteristics of normal distribution and homogeneity of variance, and the analysis of variance was used in the comparison among the three groups, when it did not accord with the characteristics of normal distribution or homogeneity of variance. Results: the ratio of male to female was 11: 78, the ratio of left and right operation was 33: 56, and the primary arthritis of one knee was 45 cases. The baseline data of the first three groups included age, sex, preoperative diagnosis, site of operation and preoperative HSS score. There was no significant difference in preoperative ROM score and preoperative VAS score between the two groups (P 0.05). After the treatment, the control group was treated with CPM. The score of VASROMU HSS in abdominal acupuncture group was significantly higher than that in control group (3 days, 7 days and 12 days, respectively). In CPM group, the score of VAS-ROMU HSS was increased in 3 days and 7 days and 12 days in VAS-ROM. The score of HSS was higher than that of control group (P 0.05), the score of HSS was higher than that of abdominal acupuncture group (P 0.05), and that of abdominal acupuncture group was 7 days. On the 12th day, the VAS was higher than that in the control group (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in VAS score between the abdominal acupuncture group and the control group on the 3rd day after operation, which may be less than the sample size. Or the cumulative effect of acupuncture is not enough. All the patients who completed this study had no adverse events in the whole course of the trial. Conclusion: early rehabilitation is effective for postoperative pain in patients with TKA. The function of HSS was improved obviously, and CPM training was better than early rehabilitation therapy in ROM. HSS function is better than abdominal acupuncture therapy, abdominal acupuncture treatment for 7 days and 12 days in pain effect is better than early rehabilitation therapy. Abdominal acupuncture and CPM machine training are beneficial to the recovery of knee function after total knee replacement.


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