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发布时间:2018-01-12 20:22

  本文关键词:胃息肉临床特点及中医证型分布规律的研究 出处:《广州中医药大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 胃息肉 临床特点 Hp感染 中医证型

【摘要】:目的:研究胃息肉患者的临床、病理特点及与幽门螺旋杆菌(Hp)感染的关系,以及对其中医证型分布规律进行分析与探讨,以期提高本病的认识及诊治水平,为诊断和治疗本病提供更多的临床思路,为本病证治规律统一标准的形成提供理论依据。方法:收集2015年7月1日至2016年1月31日在广州中医药大学第一附属医院脾胃病科住院治疗诊断为胃息肉的患者。通过前瞻性研究,收集患者的一般临床资料、Hp感染结果、胃镜资料及病理结果,并制定中医证型分布规律调查表,收集患者的四诊资料,对其进行中医辨证分型并分析。将所收集的全部数据使用Microsoft Excel工作表建立数据库,采用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析,计数资料采用卡方检验,以P0.05认为有统计学意义。结果:1.150例胃息肉患者,男性40例,女性110例,男女比例1:2.75。发病年龄主要集中在40岁~70岁,共130例,占86.67%。单发68例,多发82例,分别占45.33%、54.67%。生长部位以胃体最多见,胃体65例,达43.34%:直径0.5cm以内的胃息肉有99例,占66.00%,大于1.Ocm以上的息肉比较少见。胃痛、胃胀在临床表现中出现的频率最高。2.150例胃息肉中,炎性息肉72例(48.00%);增生性息肉63例(42.00%);胃底腺息肉12例(8.00%);腺瘤性息肉3例(2.00%)。病理类型分布与男女性别、息肉大小、单发及多发无关,但与息肉的生长位置有关系,各部位均以炎性息肉比较常见,增生性息主要生长在胃体和胃底,胃底腺息肉则主要生在胃体。3.150例胃息肉患者,64例Hp感染阳性,感染率42.67%。胃息肉病理类型分布与Hp感染有关,其中炎性息肉患者与Hp感染的相关性同胃底腺息肉及增生性息肉相比,P0.05。4.本研究显示肝胃不和型48例(32.00%);脾胃湿热型39例(26.00%);脾虚湿热型26例(17.33%):脾胃虚寒型17(11.33%);胃气壅滞型9例(6.00%);痰瘀互结11例(7.33%),肝胃不和型患者最多,其次为脾胃湿热型。5.胃息肉患者的中医证型分布与Hp感染和性别有关系,与病理类型无关。其中脾胃湿热型胃息肉患者与Hp感染的相关性同其他中医证型相比较,P0.05;且脾胃湿热型以男性常见。结论:1.胃息肉发病年龄多在40岁以上,女性发病率高于男性,生长部位以胃体多见,多发多于单发,直径大小多在0.5cm以下,临床表现以胃痛、胃胀常见。2.病理类型以炎性息肉最多见,其次为增生性息肉;炎性息肉的生成与Hp感染阳性有关。3.胃息肉中医证型分布以肝胃不和型最常见,其次为脾胃湿热型,分布规律为:肝胃不和型脾胃湿热型脾虚湿热型脾胃虚寒型痰瘀互结型胃气壅滞型。4.胃息肉中医证型分布与Hp感染及性别有相关性,脾胃湿热型以男性常见,且Hp感染多为阳性。
[Abstract]:Objective: To study the clinical pathological characteristics of gastric polyps, and Bacillus and Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection, and the distribution of TCM syndromes were analyzed and discussed, in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, to provide clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease more ideas, provide a theoretical basis for the formation of governance unified standard for the disease law syndrome. Methods: from July 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 in the diagnosis and treatment for gastric polyps in patients with stomach diseases. The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine were collected by prospective study, the general clinical data, Hp infection results, gastroscope data and pathological results, and make a questionnaire law of TCM syndrome distribution, collection patients with four diagnostic information of TCM syndrome differentiation and analysis. All data will be collected using the Microsoft Excel table to establish a database, using SPSS17. 0 software for statistical analysis, count data using chi square test, P0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 1.150 cases of patients with gastric polyps, 40 cases were male, 110 were female, male to female ratio of 1:2.75. mainly concentrated in the age of 40 years old to 70 years old, a total of 130 cases, accounting for 86.67%. single in 68 cases and multiple in 82 cases respectively, accounting for 45.33%, 54.67%. is the most common growth areas in gastric body and gastric body in 65 cases, up to 43.34% 0.5cm or less: the diameter of gastric polyps in 99 cases, accounting for 66%, more than 1.Ocm of the polyps are relatively rare. The clinical manifestation of stomach pain, bloating in the highest frequency of.2.150 cases of gastric polyps, inflammatory polyps in 72 (48% cases); hyperplastic polyps in 63 cases (42%); fundic gland polyps in 12 cases (8%); 3 cases of adenomatous polyps (2%). The pathological types and gender, polyp size, single and multiple independent, but with the growth of the position of Department of polyps, all parts in order to compare inflammation polyp Common information grows mainly in hyperplasia of gastric body and gastric fundus, fundic gland polyps mainly in gastric.3.150 cases of gastric polyps, 64 cases of Hp infection, 42.67%. infection rate of gastric polyps pathological type distribution associated with Hp infection, compared the correlation between inflammatory polyps in patients with Hp infection with fundic gland polyps P0.05.4. and hyperplastic polyps, this study shows that the incoordination between the liver and stomach in 48 cases (32%); 39 cases of spleen type (26%); the spleen deficiency in 26 cases (17.33%): 17 (11.33%) of spleen deficiency type; 9 cases (6%); Qi stagnation of phlegm and blood stasis in 11 cases (7.33%). Incoordination between the liver and stomach were the most, followed by a relationship between the distribution of TCM Syndromes of spleen stomach damp heat type.5. of gastric polyps in patients with Hp infection and gender, not related to pathological types. The correlation between patients with Hp infection of gastric polyps spleen type with other TCM syndromes compared to P0.05; and spleen type in male Conclusion: 1.. Common gastric polyps age more than 40 years, the incidence of women than men, the growth was in the stomach body, multiple than single, multi diameter below 0.5cm, the most common clinical manifestations of stomach pain, bloating the common pathological type in.2. inflammatory polyps, which include hyperplastic polyps the positive; TCM syndrome type distribution of gastric polyps.3. to liver stomach disharmony, the most common inflammatory polyp generation with Hp infection, followed by spleen type, the distribution of each node: incoordination between liver and spleen stomach damp heat syndrome of spleen deficiency of spleen deficiency type stomach qi stagnation of phlegm and blood stasis type.4. gastric polyp syndromes there is correlation with Hp infection and gender, spleen type and Hp infection is common in men, mostly positive.



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