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发布时间:2018-01-20 19:21

  本文关键词: 便秘通 甘麦大枣水提物 小肠推进率 复方地芬诺酯 慢传输型便秘 肠道微生物 肠道酶活性 出处:《天津科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:结肠慢传输型便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)是功能性便秘中最常见的类型。研究小鼠STC造模对肠道微生物、酶活性的影响,为STC的治疗提供实验基础;观察两种中药方剂(便秘通和甘麦大枣水提物)对STC小鼠的治疗效果,探究两种中药方剂对STC小鼠肠道微生物、酶活性的影响,为其疗效机理提供依据。首先将昆明纯种小鼠随机分组,利用复方地芬诺酯悬液灌胃导致小鼠便秘,并利用麻仁润肠丸来作为阳性药对照组来验证两种中药方剂的治疗效果。通过观察记录两种中药方剂对便秘小鼠的几项指标的变化,即首次黑便排出时间、6h内粪便数目及干重、小肠推进率、肠道微生物以及肠道酶活性的变化,以此评价这两种方剂对于便秘小鼠的治疗效果。研究结果可知,与模型对照组相比,便秘通剂量为2.00 g/kg时,小鼠排便粒数明显增加(P0.01),粪便干重显著提高(P0.001),首粒黑便排出时间缩短(P0.05),小鼠小肠推进率有显著性差异(P0.05);小鼠肠道有益菌(乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌)数量明显增加(P0.05或P0.01),大肠杆菌数量明显减少(P0.01);木聚糖酶和蛋白酶活性均达到正常水平(P0.05)。与模型对照组相比,甘麦大枣水提物剂量为0.20 g/kg时,小鼠排便粒数显著提高(P0.001),粪便干重明显增加(P0.05),首粒黑便排出时间显著缩短(P0.001),小鼠小肠推进率有明显差异(P0.05);小鼠肠道有益菌(乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌)数量明显增加(P0.01),大肠杆菌数量明显减少(P0.01);木聚糖酶和蛋白酶活性均达到正常水平(P0.05)。便秘通和甘麦大枣水提物都能明显改善复方地芬诺酯所导致的STC小鼠的排便状况,促进小肠蠕动,调节肠道微生态平衡,调整肠道酶活性,从而达到治疗便秘的目的,为这种两种方剂的临床应用提供了有效的实验依据。
[Abstract]:Slow transit constipation of colon (STCs) is the most common type of functional constipation. The effect of STC on intestinal microorganism in mice was studied. The effect of enzyme activity provides experimental basis for the treatment of STC. To observe the therapeutic effect of two traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions (constipation decoction and Ganmai jujube water extract) on STC mice, and to explore the effect of two traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions on intestinal microorganism and enzyme activity of STC mice. First Kunming purebred mice were randomly divided into groups, and mice constipation was induced by oral administration of compound diphenoxylate suspension. And the use of Maren Runchang pills as a positive drug control group to verify the therapeutic effect of two Chinese medicine prescriptions. Through observing and recording the two Chinese medicine prescriptions on the changes of several indicators of constipation mice, that is, the first time of black stool excretion. The changes of fecal quantity and dry weight, intestinal propulsion rate, intestinal microorganism and intestinal enzyme activity in 6 h were used to evaluate the therapeutic effect of these two prescriptions on constipation mice. When the dosage of constipation was 2.00 g / kg, the number of defecation grains increased significantly, the dry weight of feces increased significantly, and the excretion time of the first black stool shortened P0.05). There was significant difference in the small intestinal propulsion rate of mice (P 0.05). The number of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) increased significantly (P0.05 or P0.01), and the number of Escherichia coli decreased significantly. The activity of xylanase and protease reached the normal level (P 0.05). Compared with the model control group, the water extract of Gan Mai jujube was 0.20 g / kg. The number of feces increased significantly (P 0.001), the dry weight of feces increased significantly (P 0.05), and the excretion time of the first black stool decreased significantly (P 0.001). The small intestinal propulsion rate of mice was significantly different from that of P0.05; The number of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) in the intestinal tract of mice increased significantly, while the number of Escherichia coli decreased significantly. Both xylanase and protease activities reached the normal level (P0.05). Both constipation and Ganmai jujube water extracts could significantly improve the defecation status and intestinal peristalsis of STC mice induced by compound difenoate. Regulation of intestinal microecological balance and regulation of intestinal enzyme activity in order to achieve the purpose of treating constipation, which provides an effective experimental basis for the clinical application of these two prescriptions.


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