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发布时间:2018-01-31 08:36

  本文关键词: 胸痹 病位特征 病性特征 辨证规范 辨证模型 出处:《南京中医药大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Research objective: nowadays, the research on syndrome differentiation and classification of chest arthralgia is rich. Although the country has issued the diagnosis standard and syndrome classification of chest arthralgia syndrome (appendix 1). However, the six syndrome types still can not fully summarize the complex and changeable syndromes that appear in the clinic, and many doctors still use their clinical experience to treat them, so it is difficult to form the unified cognition of syndrome differentiation and treatment of chest arthralgia. The standardization of syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia in traditional Chinese medicine is still worth discussing. Under the guidance of the theory system of Tibetan syndrome differentiation established by Professor Wu Chengyu, the origin of chest arthralgia is traced to the source of the disease. Etiology and pathogenesis as well as syndrome differentiation and other studies combined with the basic situation of patients with chest arthralgia the use of epidemiological investigation to carry out statistical analysis. Study on the syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia. Significance: the theoretical system of syndrome differentiation of Tibet image is based on accurate and standardized clinical information, and then extract the characteristics of disease and disease, and combine disease with disease. In order to form a relatively standardized syndrome, the theoretical system of syndrome differentiation of Tibet image is based on the principle of "using image to measure viscera, from syndrome differentiation of syndrome", which is flexible to grasp the complex and changeable syndrome in clinical practice. It is the application and embodiment of the principle and law of syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine. This study is based on the collation and tracing of the literature of the past dynasties, as well as the use of modern epidemiological investigation to "syndrome differentiation from symptoms". "differentiation of diseases and syndrome differentiation" as the principle, and combined with the modern Chinese medicine diagnosis thinking of disease differentiation first, then the thought of syndrome differentiation, Zang-fu organs syndrome differentiation system and disease position, disease combination law applied to chest arthralgia syndrome. To establish a new model of syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia. The characteristics of disease of chest arthralgia syndrome are described by mathematical language, in order to establish a mathematical model of syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia combined with disease position and disease. Combined with the case analysis of its feasibility and practicability, the combination of the theoretical system of syndrome differentiation and mathematical model of syndrome differentiation makes the syndrome differentiation of chest obstruction more flexible, accurate and easy to operate. This study is helpful to guide the diagnosis and treatment of chest arthralgia syndrome. Research methods: this study through the collection of a large number of traditional Chinese medicine literature materials. By comparing the literature of different periods, the origin, etiology and pathogenesis of chest arthralgia were analyzed. Through consulting the literature data of modern collateral disease theory, it discusses the cognition and treatment of chest arthralgia and heartache. There are many methods of syndrome differentiation and syndrome differentiation for chest arthralgia in past dynasties. In addition, the existence of modern TCM syndrome differentiation has not yet been standardized, so the simple and standardized Tibetan syndrome differentiation theory system and mathematical dialectical model are combined to simplify the complex syndrome differentiation process. The clinical information of chest arthralgia was stratified. 438 cases of chest obstruction were collected by retrospective epidemiological investigation and statistics were carried out after the symptoms were checked and standardized. Using statistical analysis methods, such as cluster analysis, principal component analysis, to analyze the disease location, disease, disease combined with disease distribution law, build "chest arthralgia syndrome diagnosis information table". The combination law of basic syndrome and compound syndrome of chest arthralgia is summarized. The fuzzy membership function is constructed by applying fuzzy mathematics principle, and the mathematical model of syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia is established. The degree of confidence is calculated by using correlation analysis. Finally, the syndrome differentiation model test. Results: collate and summarize the literature and 438 cases of chest obstruction investigation results, put forward the basic syndrome of "phlegm stasis obstruction of the heart". On this basis, the author puts forward the combined syndrome of the disease position and disease of chest arthralgia, which makes the modern TCM syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia more standardized, and establishes the mathematical model of the syndrome differentiation of chest arthralgia, and realizes the preliminary exploration of the syndrome differentiation model.


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