本文选题:血瘀证 切入点:诊断标准 出处:《辽宁中医杂志》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:目的:比较分析历年血瘀证的诊断标准的异同及优异,为临床医师诊断提供更全面准确的标准参考。方法:检索CNKI、CBM、维普和万方数据库中1915—2016年发表的血瘀证诊断标准的相关文献,并检索各标准的引用次数,获取应用最广泛的标准,并对文献中各血瘀证诊断标准组成进行分类,探讨不同标准的异同点。结果:共纳入期刊文献6篇、国家标准1篇,共7篇文献。其中,期刊包括1982年第一次全国活血化瘀研究学术会议修订(上海会议)提出的血瘀证诊断试行标准;1986年第二次全国活血化瘀研究学术会议修订(广州会议)提出的《血瘀证诊断标准》;1986年《国际血瘀诊断标准试行方案》(小川新,日本);1988年《血瘀证诊断标准的研究》(王阶,中国);1988年《血瘀证研究国际会议》(北京会议)提出的血瘀证诊断参考标准;2011年中国中西医结合学会活血化瘀专业委员会提出的《血瘀证中西医结合诊疗共识》及1997年由中华人民共和国国家技术监督局发布的《中医临床诊疗术语·证候部分》(GB/T 16751.2)的国家标准。其中,以国家标准引用最多,高达523次。7篇诊断标准中,共同的证候有:舌质紫黯或舌体瘀斑、瘀点;面部、唇、齿龈及眼周紫黑者;肌肤甲错;固定性疼痛;身上有病理性肿块等8项。不同诊断标准在情志因素,肢体麻木等方面上对血瘀证的诊断有了新的认识。引用频次最多的证候标准有舌质紫黯有瘀斑,面部眼周紫黑,肌肤甲错,脉涩或结、代,月经紊乱、经期腹痛、色黑有血块,固定性疼痛,血不循经而停滞及出血后引起的瘀血、黑粪、皮下瘀斑等。结论:目前血瘀证诊断标准以《中医临床诊疗术语·证候部分》应用最广;其他血瘀证诊断标准各有优异,但应用仍也存在很大局限性。
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare and analyze the similarities and differences of the diagnostic criteria of blood stasis syndrome in the past years and to provide a more comprehensive and accurate standard reference for the diagnosis of the blood stasis syndrome. Methods: to search the relevant documents published in the database of CBM, Weip and Wanfang in 1915-2016 for the diagnosis of blood stasis syndrome, and to provide a more comprehensive and accurate reference for the diagnosis of the blood stasis syndrome. The most widely used criteria were obtained, and the components of the diagnostic criteria for each blood stasis syndrome were classified, and the similarities and differences of the different criteria were discussed. Results: a total of 6 journals and 1 national standard were included in the study. Among them, The journals include the trial criteria for diagnosis of blood stasis syndrome proposed by the first national conference on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in 1982 (shanghai conference); the revision of the second national conference on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis proposed by the second national conference on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis (Guangzhou conference) in 1986. "Diagnostic criteria for Blood stasis Syndrome"; 1986 "International trial Scheme for diagnosis of Blood stasis" (Xiaochuan Xin, Nippon. 1988. Study on the Diagnostic criteria of Blood stasis Syndrome. The reference criteria for diagnosis of Blood stasis Syndrome proposed by the International Conference on the study of Blood stasis Syndrome in 1988 (Beijing Conference); the consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of Blood stasis Syndrome proposed by the Special Committee on promoting Blood Circulation and removing Blood stasis of the Chinese Society of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in 2011; and. In 1997, the State Administration of Technical Supervision of the people's Republic of China issued the National Standard of "terms and symptoms of Clinical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese Medicine" (GBR / T16751.2). Among 523 diagnostic criteria, common syndromes were: purpura of tongue or stasis of tongue, bruise point; face, lip, gingiva and surrounding purple black; skin dystrophy; fixed pain; There are 8 pathological masses on the body. Different diagnostic criteria have a new understanding on the diagnosis of blood stasis syndrome in terms of emotional factors, limb numbness, etc. The most frequently cited syndromes are tongue purplish dark with ecchymosis, facial periocular purple black, etc. Skin armour error, pulse acerbity or knot, generation, menstrual disorder, menstrual period abdominal pain, color and black blood clot, fixed pain, blood stasis caused by non-meridian and bleeding, black feces, Conclusion: at present, the diagnosis standard of blood stasis syndrome is the most widely used in the term of clinical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, while the other diagnostic criteria of blood stasis syndrome are excellent, but the application is still very limited.
【作者单位】: 辽宁中医药大学;辽宁中医药大学附属医院;
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