本文选题:中医临床路径 切入点:眩晕 出处:《广州中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze and evaluate the effect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinical pathway of phlegm stasis obstruction syndrome of vertigo (posterior circulation ischemia), and to provide high level evidence to support the clinical popularization of the pathway.Methods: 60 patients were randomly divided into path group and control group according to exclusion criteria.The path group was carried out strictly according to the hospital procedure and diagnosis and treatment plan of vertigo (posterior circulation ischemia) issued by the State Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine, while the hospital procedure and diagnosis and treatment plan of the control group were carried out by the doctor in charge according to the clinical experience.The score of TCM symptom scale of vertigo, the classification of vertigo degree and main accompanying symptoms, the days of hospitalization and the cost of hospitalization were recorded, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine characteristic therapy in the two groups were collected, and the patients' satisfaction was investigated.1 month after discharge, the recurrence rate of vertigo and the rate of rehospitalization due to vertigo were calculated.Comprehensive above data for statistical analysis.Results: a total of 60 patients were included in the study, 2 cases dropped out and 58 cases were finally counted.After treatment, the total effective rate of the path-group was 100%, which was higher than that of the control group (93.1%), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P 0.05).After treatment, the scores of TCM symptom scale and the main symptoms of vertigo in the two groups were significantly improved, but there was no significant difference between the two groups. In the improvement of the main accompanied symptoms of vertigo, the effect of the path group was better than that of the control group (P 0.05).The average hospitalization cost and average hospitalization days of the path-group were 8471.309 卤1829.118 yuan and 9.59 卤2.413 days, respectively, which were lower than that of the control group (10876.981 卤2581.560 yuan, 13.97 卤3.60 days), and the difference between the two groups was significant (P 0.05).In the aspect of satisfaction investigation, the satisfaction of the path-group was 100, that of the control group was 86.2P0.05; for the evaluation of hospitalization expenses, the satisfaction of the path-group was 96.6b, and that of the control group was 82.8p0.05; for the course of treatment, the satisfaction of the path-group was 100, and that of the control group was 86.2and P0.05.The satisfaction degree of the path group was 100, the acceptance of the path scheme was 100 in the control group 86.2 and P 0.051 in the control group, and the acceptance degree in the path group was 100, the control group was 86.2 and P 0.05.Compared with the traditional Chinese medicine characteristic therapy, the path group used more than 2 kinds of characteristic therapy in 29 cases, and the control group used more than 2 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine characteristic therapy in 16 cases (P0.05).One month after discharge, the recurrence rate of vertigo in the two groups (10.3% in path group, 27.6% in control group, P0.05% in control group) and rehospitalization rate (6.9% in path group and 20.775% in control group) were followed up.Conclusion: the curative effect of TCM clinical pathway of vertigo (posterior circulation ischemia) phlegm stasis obstructing orifices syndrome is remarkable.The route scheme can shorten the days of hospitalization, reduce the cost of hospitalization, save medical resources and improve the quality of medical treatment.This route can improve the patients' satisfaction with the course of treatment, curative effect, diagnosis and treatment service, and hospital expenses.This pathway can improve the long-term prognosis of the disease, and the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine are prominent, the patient acceptance is high, suitable for clinical promotion.
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