本文选题:宫颈糜烂 + 湿热下注型 ; 参考:《安徽中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of the combination of Weiyan Fang and Baofukang suppository in the treatment of cervical erosion with dampness and heat, and to observe the effect on the serum levels of hs-CRPN6 and TNF- 伪 in patients with cervical erosion. To explore the possible mechanism of prevention and treatment of cervical erosion by combination of Weiyan Fang and Baofukang suppository, and to provide clinical reference and laboratory basis for the prevention and treatment of cervical erosion by traditional Chinese medicine. Methods: 80 patients with cervical erosion were randomly divided into experimental group (n = 40) and control group (n = 40). 40 cases in the control group were treated with Baofukang suppository for external use only. The clinical symptoms and signs of the two groups were observed before and after treatment, and the changes of serum hs-CRPU IL-6 and TNF- 伪 in patients with cervical erosion were observed. Results: after 3 menstrual cycles, the total effective rate of the experimental group was 92.5 and the total effective rate of the control group was 82.5. There was a significant difference between the two groups in the comprehensive curative effect (P 0.05), and after 3 menstrual cycles, the total effective rate of the experimental group was 92.5 and that of the control group was 82.5. The total effective rate of the experimental group is 95.0 and the total effective rate of the control group is 85.0. There is a very significant difference in the curative effect of TCM syndrome between the two groups. The total effective rate was 100% and 95.0%, respectively, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P 0.01). After treatment, the total effective rates of the two groups were 95.010% and 85.0%, respectively. There was a significant difference between the two groups. Comparison of TCM syndromes before and after treatment: after 3 menstrual cycles, Before and after treatment, there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (P 0.01) and the control group (P 0.05). Before, after and after treatment, the syndromes scores of the experimental group were significantly decreased, and that of the control group was significantly lower than that of the control group before and after treatment. But there was significant difference between the two groups after treatment. Therefore, the experimental group was superior to the control group in decreasing the score of TCM syndromes. The comparison of serum hs-CRPIL-6 and TNF- 伪 levels before and after treatment in the two groups: after 3 menstrual cycles, The serum levels of hs-CRPU IL-6 and TNF- 伪 in the two groups were lower than those before treatment, and there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group before and after treatment. There were significant differences in serum hs-CRP and TNF- 伪 levels between the two groups after treatment. After treatment, the serum levels of hs-CRPnIL-6 and TNF- 伪 in the two groups were significantly higher than those in the control group. Conclusion: the combination of Weiyan recipe and Baofukang suppository in treating cervical erosion with dampness and heat has obtained better clinical curative effect, which can improve the clinical symptoms and signs of damp-heat betting syndrome in patients with cervical erosion. It can also reduce the serum levels of hs-CRPU IL-6 and TNF- 伪 inflammatory factors in patients with cervical erosion. The research shows that the combination of Weiyan Fang and Baofukang suppository is an effective method for treating cervical erosion with dampness and heat, and its mechanism may be to exert the clinical curative effect by anti-inflammation and regulating the immune function of the body.
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