本文选题:彭子益 + 《伤寒论》 ; 参考:《北京中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的彭子益是清末民国年间的著名医学家,是一位既能深谙古代中医原理,又能结合新知识而颇有心得的中医学家。彭氏对中医的诊法、辨证论治的思维以及组方用药的思路,多有独到的见地。近年来,学者们对彭子益学术思想的研究主要集中在圆运动理论的探讨及其临床应用等方面,对彭氏六经、营卫理论、本气自病、传经等主要学术思想缺乏研究,为了对彭子益伤寒学术思想有一个系统而全面的认识,本人在导师的指导下展开了此项课题的研究。方法本课题运用文献研究的方法展开,以《圆运动的古中医学》中特设的《伤寒论六经原文读法篇》、《伤寒方解篇》为主,结合《内经》、《伤寒论》、《伤寒悬解》、《伤寒说意》等对彭子益有较大影响的医学典籍进行整理分析,系统研究彭子益的伤寒学术思想。结果论文对彭子益伤寒思想研究主要分为三章进行论述,第一章,简述彭子益生平著述及其伤寒学术思想的渊源。研究得知,彭子益才学过人,识见卓越,平生著述颇丰。据云南著名学者方树梅先生所作《彭子益先生传》中记载,彭子益的著述有16种之多。据1991年版的《全国中医图书联合目录》所载,彭子益所著的在册的图书有三部。彭子益伤寒学术思想主要渊源于《周易》、《内经》、《伤寒论》,同时也吸收融合了黄元御等医家的学术观点。第二章,阐述彭子益对《伤寒论》学术思想的继承和发展。主要从彭子益对六经、营卫、本气自病、传经等理论以及六经病证治的认识进行深入研究。研究发现,彭氏主要伤寒学术思想如下:一、彭氏把六气、十二经及五脏六腑都联系起来研究六经病。他认为,无论是外感邪气还是内伤杂病都不出六气的范畴。人身个体, 表有荣卫,里有脏腑,而皆六气之所生。二、彭氏创新性提出了荣卫的分布,他把分布在躯体之内,脏腑之外,整个圆运动之气定义为营卫。营卫为脏腑之表,脏腑为营卫之里。并以“疏泄和收敛”来描述营卫出入的运行方式。三、彭氏以本气自病为基础认识疾病。四、对六经传变的认识,彭氏从分析“传经”二字为切入点阐释了传经的含义和传变的规律,同时他特别强调,凡病的传变并非真有外邪入里,实为本气自病。五、彭氏提出“六瓣之一橘”为六经生理病理的模型,表有荣卫,里有脏腑,表里之间,有少阳之经,从整体上认识六经病,揭示了六经病乃是人身本气自病的真相。第三章,主要论述彭子益伤寒学术思想对后世的影响。通过整理和研究彭子益私淑者李可的伤寒学术思想以及能反映彭子益伤寒学术思想的医案,体现了彭子益伤寒学术思想对后世伤寒学术理论的发展和运用都具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。结论彭子益伤寒学术思想是以《周易》、《内经》、《伤寒论》为基础,同时吸收融合了黄元御等医家的学术观点逐渐形成并发展起来的。彭子益对六经、营卫、本气自病、传经等理论以及六经病证治的认识是彭子益伤寒学术思想的主要内容,是彭氏对《伤寒论》学术思想的继承和发展。彭子益伤寒学术思想对于进一步丰富《伤寒论》学术思想体系以及指导临床实践方面具有很高的理论和实际运用价值。
[Abstract]:Objective Peng Ziyi is a famous medical scientist in the years of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. It is a traditional Chinese medicine expert who understands the principles of ancient Chinese medicine and combines new knowledge. He has a unique insight into the medical treatment of Chinese medicine, the thinking of syndrome differentiation and the thought of prescription medication. In recent years, scholars have studied the academic thought of Peng Ziyi. We should concentrate on the discussion of the theory of circular movement and its clinical application, and lack of research on the main academic ideas of Peng's six meridians, the theory of camp and guard, the self disease and the passing through the classics. In order to have a systematic and comprehensive understanding of Peng Ziyi's academic thought of typhoid fever, I have carried out the research of this subject under the guidance of the tutor. The method of research was carried out, with a systematic study of Peng Ziyi's scholarly thoughts on typhoid fever, with a systematic study of Peng Ziyi's academic thought on typhoid fever. The study of Peng Ziyi's Thought on typhoid fever is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is a brief account of Peng Zi Yi's life writing and the origin of his academic thought of typhoid fever. The study has learned that Peng Ziyi has learned a great deal and has a great reputation in his life. According to Mr. Peng Zi Yi, a famous scholar in Yunnan, there are 16 kinds of writings of Peng Ziyi. According to the 1991 edition of the national combined catalogue of Chinese medicine books, there are three books written by Peng Ziyi. The academic thought of Peng Zi Yi's typhoid fever mainly originates from Zhouyi, Nei Jing, and treatise on typhoid. At the same time, he also assimilates the academic views of Huang Yuanyu and other doctors. The second chapter expounds Peng Ziyi's inheritance and inheritance of the theory of "Treatise on typhoid fever". From Peng Ziyi to the six meridians, the camp guard, the Qi self diseased, the meridian and other theories as well as the knowledge of the syndrome of the six meridians, the study found that Peng's main typhoid academic thought is as follows: first, Peng's six Qi, twelve meridians and five viscera were linked to the study of the six meridians. There is no category of six Qi. The individual individual, which has the honor guard, the viscera and the six Qi, is born. Two, Peng's innovativeness puts forward the distribution of Rong Wei. He defines the whole circle of Qi in the body and the viscera as the camp. The camp is the viscera, the viscera is the inside of the camp. And the "catharsis and convergence" is used to describe the entry and exit. Three, Peng's understanding of the disease based on Qi from the disease. Four, the understanding of the transmission of the six meridians, Peng from the analysis of the "pass through" two words to explain the meaning of the passage and the law of change, while he especially stressed that the transmission of the disease is not really out of the evil into the disease. Five, Peng put forward "one of the six petals of orange" For the physiological and pathological model of the six meridians, there are Rong Wei, Zang Fu Zang Fu, between the inner and the inner, the Sutra of Shaoyang, the whole knowledge of the six meridians, and the truth of the illness of the six meridians. The third chapter mainly discusses the influence of the academic thought of Peng Ziyi typhoid to the later generations. By collating and studying the scholarly thought of the cold of Peng Ziyi's private lady Li Ke As well as the medical cases that can reflect the academic thought of Peng Ziyi's typhoid fever, the academic thought of Peng Ziyi's typhoid fever has important theoretical significance and practical value to the development and application of the academic theory of post typhoid fever. Conclusion Peng Zi Yi's academic thought is based on Zhouyi, Nei Jing, and the theory of typhoid fever. At the same time, he absorbed and merged Huang Yuanyu and other doctors. The academic ideas of Peng Ziyi gradually formed and developed. The main content of Peng Ziyi's academic thought on typhoid fever was the main content of Peng Ziyi's academic thought of typhoid fever by the theory of the six classics, the camp guard, the theory of Qi self disease, the theory of passing through the classics as well as the knowledge of the syndrome and treatment of the six meridians. It is of high theoretical and practical value to think about the system and guide clinical practice.
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