本文选题:慢性肾炎 + 辨证论治 ; 参考:《南京中医药大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:慢性肾小球肾炎属于临床常见疾病,多发于人群中,病情隐匿不易发现,是我国引起慢性肾衰竭的主要病因。中医药在治疗此疾病取得一定程度疗效,但具体治疗及用药方法并未有统一的方案,因此对于疗效存在着较大程度的差异。研究目的:在中医基础理论指导下,以辨证论治为原则,比较中医辨证论治(汤剂)与协定方对慢性肾小球肾炎的治疗效果。分别用辨证论治及协定方治疗慢性肾小球肾炎,比较两者经治疗前后的临床疗效差异,以评估疗效的优劣,进一步提升慢性肾小球肾炎在中医治疗方面的诊法方药的选择。研究方法:选取符合慢性肾小球肾炎诊断及纳入标准的60例患者,将其随机分为辨证论治组、协定方组两组,各30例。试验由江苏省中医院进行研究,比较辨证论治与协定方的临床疗效,及研究安全性。选择60例年龄在1 4-7 0岁,就诊于江苏省中医院肾内科门诊及病房,符合慢性皆小球肾炎西医诊断标准和中医诊断标准的患者为受试人群,所有病例辨证均由导师1人完成。A组采用辨证论治+对症治疗+一般治疗,B组采用(健肾片+血塞通软胶囊)+对症治疗+一般治疗,两组患者均治疗3个月,观察两组治疗前后临床症状、尿常规、肾功能等的变化,比较辩证论治与协定方的临床疗效及其安全性。研究结果:疾病疗效:辨证论治组临床有效率为89.99%。协定方组为76.67%。中医症候疗效显示:辨证论治组有效率为86.67%。协定方组为76.66%。本次试验过程中两组病例均没有出现不良反应和不良事件的记录,也未发现与试验药物有关的有临床意义的异常改变。研究结论:经过治疗前后疗效观察及统计结果看来,中医治疗60例慢性肾小球肾炎患者均有效,但以辨证论治组疗效更为显着。研究表明,中医对慢性肾小球肾炎治疗效果肯定,但仍然需要提倡以辨证施治为原则。
[Abstract]:Chronic glomerulonephritis is a common clinical disease. Traditional Chinese medicine has achieved a certain degree of efficacy in the treatment of this disease, but the specific treatment and drug use methods do not have a unified plan, so there is a greater degree of difference in the efficacy. Objective: to compare the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on chronic glomerulonephritis under the guidance of TCM basic theory and the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment. The treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis was treated by differentiation of symptoms and signs, and the difference of clinical efficacy before and after treatment was compared, in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the curative effect and to further enhance the choice of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis. Methods: 60 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis were randomly divided into two groups: syndrome differentiation group (n = 30) and agreement group (n = 30). The study was carried out by Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine to compare the clinical efficacy and safety of treatment based on syndrome differentiation and agreement. Sixty patients, aged from 14 to 70 years, who were admitted to the Department of Renal Medicine of Jiangsu Provincial traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and met the diagnostic criteria of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for chronic glomerular glomerulonephritis were selected as the subjects. All cases were treated with syndrome differentiation by one tutor. Group A was treated with syndrome differentiation and general treatment. Group B was treated with "Jianshen tablet Xuesaitong soft capsule". The patients in both groups were treated for 3 months. The changes of clinical symptoms, urine routine and renal function before and after treatment were observed, and the clinical efficacy and safety of dialectical and conventional treatment were compared. Results: the curative effect of disease: the clinical effective rate of syndrome differentiation group was 89.9999. The number of parties to the agreement is 76.67. The curative effect of TCM syndrome showed that the effective rate of syndrome differentiation group was 86.67. The number of parties to the agreement is 76.66. No adverse reactions and adverse events were recorded in both groups, and no significant clinical changes related to the drugs were found in the two groups. Conclusion: after observation of curative effect before and after treatment and statistical results it can be seen that 60 cases of chronic glomerulonephritis treated by traditional Chinese medicine are effective but the curative effect of treatment group based on differentiation of symptoms and signs is more remarkable. The research shows that TCM is effective in treating chronic glomerulonephritis, but the principle of syndrome differentiation should be advocated.
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