本文选题:张仲景 + 痰饮学说 ; 参考:《浙江中医药大学》2016年博士论文
【摘要】:目的研究仲景痰饮学说的理论基础,总结仲景痰饮学说,探讨仲景痰饮学说对唐以前辨治痰饮的影响及其医学成就。方法 第一部分为系统地搜集并研究《黄帝内经》对痰饮的论述,探讨仲景痰饮学说的理论基础;第二部分为对《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》关于痰饮的论述进行分类归纳和总结,分别从证候、病名、病因病机、治法治则等方面阐明仲景对辨治痰饮的发展;第三部分以仲景痰饮学说的理法方药为标准,分析魏晋南北朝时期医家辨治痰饮的特色;第四部分将仲景痰饮学说与《诸病源候论》所提出的病名、病证、病因病机进行比较研究;第五部分则是以仲景痰饮学说和《诸病源候论》对痰饮病因病机的补充为依归,分析仲景痰饮学说的传承及《千金》、 《外台》对痰饮辨治发展的贡献。结果 《黄帝内经》对痰饮病名、证候、病因病机、治法治则的论述是仲景痰饮学说的理论基础;仲景痰饮学说是以痰饮为研究和讨论的核心,涉及到与其相关的各种疾病、证候,以及辨治痰饮的理法方药;魏晋南北朝医家针对“痰饮之为病”的各种病证,治拟辛温法为主,符合辨治痰饮以“温药和之”的精神,而其他方药所代表的治法,也都能够在仲景方中找到对应;《诸病源候论》对痰饮病因病机的论述和《千金》、《外台》对辨治痰饮方药的记载有助于系统地补充仲景痰饮学说。结论仲景所提出的痰饮学说的理论基础来源于《黄帝内经》,蕴含辨证论治精神和理法方药体系,对痰饮辨治的贡献厥功甚伟;仲景学说来源于实践,升华为理论再指导实践,这是其强大生命力所在;然而,事物是发展的,所以,魏晋南北朝医家, 《诸病源候论》、 《千金》、《外台》补充了仲景痰饮学说,共同构成了唐以前辨治痰饮的医学成就。
[Abstract]:Objective to study the theoretical basis of Zhongjing phlegm and drink theory, summarize Zhongjing phlegm and drink theory, and discuss the influence of Zhongjing phlegm drink theory on differentiation and treatment of phlegm drink before Tang Dynasty and its medical achievements. Methods in the first part, the author systematically collected and studied the discussion of phlegm and drink in Huangdi Nei Jing, and discussed the theoretical basis of Zhongjing phlegm and drink theory. The second part is to classify and summarize the argumentation about phlegm and drink in Treatise of febrile Diseases and synopsis of Golden Chamber, expounding the development of Zhongjing's differentiation and treatment of phlegm and drink from the aspects of syndromes, names of diseases, etiology and pathogenesis, principles of treatment and so on. The third part is based on the theory of Zhongjing phlegm and drink as the standard, analyzes the characteristics of the doctors' differentiation and treatment of phlegm and drink during the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern dynasties, and the fourth part puts forward the name and syndrome of the disease by Zhongjing's phlegm and phlegm theory. The fifth part is based on the theory of Zhongjing phlegm drink and the supplement to the etiology and pathogenesis of phlegm and drink, and analyzes the contribution of Zhongjing phlegm drink theory to the development of phlegm and drink differentiation and treatment. Results the discussion on the names, syndromes, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment principles of phlegm and drink is the theoretical basis of Zhongjing phlegm and drink theory, which is the core of the research and discussion on phlegm and drink, which involves various diseases related to phlegm and drink. Syndrome, as well as the rational prescription and medicine of differentiation and treatment of phlegm and drink; the doctors of Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties treated various diseases and syndromes of "phlegm and drink as diseases" mainly by imitating Xin Wen method, which was in line with the spirit of "warm medicine and medicine" in differentiation and treatment of phlegm and drink, while other prescriptions represented the treatment method. The discussion on the etiology and pathogenesis of phlegm and drink and "Qianjin >, the record of" differentiation and treatment of phlegm and phlegm drink prescription "is helpful to supplement the theory of" Zhongjing phlegm and drink "systematically. Conclusion Zhongjing's theory of phlegm and drink is based on Huangdi's Internal Classic, which contains the spirit of differentiation of symptoms and signs and the system of prescription and medicine, and contributes greatly to the treatment of phlegm and drink differentiation, and Zhongjing's theory is derived from practice and sublimated into theory to guide practice. This is its strong vitality; however, things are developing, so the doctors of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, "on the Origin of Diseases", "Qianjin >," Outer Taiwan "supplemented the theory of Zhongjing phlegm and drink, together constituted the medical achievements of differentiation and treatment of phlegm before the Tang Dynasty.
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