本文选题:李平教授 + 恶性肿瘤 ; 参考:《安徽中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的本研究采用数据挖掘技术,探讨李平教授治疗恶性肿瘤的用药规律。方法本研究采用回顾性调查研究方法,收集安徽省立医院李平教授2014年1月1日至2015年12月31日期间门诊诊断为恶性肿瘤的病例处方,建立临床诊疗信息电子资料库,利用IBM SPSS Statistics 17.0统计软件及IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1数据挖掘软件,运用频数、聚类及关联规则等方法进行分析,探讨李平教授治疗恶性肿瘤的用药规律。结果对1169例完整临床处方从频数、性味归经、聚类、关联等多个角度进行挖掘与分析,结果如下:(1)统计处方用药涉及中药197味,平均每张处方用药14味,用药精简。(2)通过中药处方中的药物进行频次统计分析,发现治疗恶性肿瘤的中药从高到低依次为甘草、白术、茯苓、鸡内金、黄芩、浙贝母、黄芪、半夏、山萸肉、郁金、枳壳、天龙、鳖甲、山慈菇、蜈蚣、猫爪草、厚朴、枸杞子、陈皮等。(3)通过高频中药归类统计分析,发现本研究所纳入的处方用药主要以补虚药、通络药、理气药、温化寒痰药为主,其次为清热解毒、活血化瘀、化湿药、利水渗湿药、清热化痰药、消食药、收涩药、清热燥湿药。结合分析高频药物功效的结果,发现临床上以“扶正、通络、解毒”为主要治则,其中扶正法中强调补气养阴,顾护脾胃,再以理气化痰、散结消痈、化湿、活血化瘀等为其辨证治则。(4)通过高频中药按性味归经进行分析,发现李平教授临床治疗上多用甘温平补药,扶正固本,同时不忘祛邪,攻补兼施;五味甘为主,辛开苦降,调畅气机;归经脾为主,重视脾胃,顾护胃气。(5)通过聚类、关联分析均发现临床处方中多使用扶正通络解毒之品,并重视顾护脾胃,此结论与上述研究结果基本吻合。结论通过对1169例临床处方进行统计分析及数据挖掘后,得出临床处方中多使用扶正通络解毒之品,并重视脾胃,顾护胃气。
[Abstract]:Objective this study used data mining technology to explore the rule of Professor Li Ping in the treatment of malignant tumor. Methods this study adopted a retrospective study method and collected the prescription of the cases diagnosed as malignant tumor from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015 of Anhui Provincial Hospital, and established the electronic information of clinical diagnosis and treatment information. Library, using IBM SPSS Statistics 17 statistical software and IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 data mining software, using frequency, clustering and association rules to analyze the law of Professor Li Ping's treatment of malignant tumor. Results 1169 cases of complete clinical prescriptions are excavated from many angles, such as frequency, sexual taste, clustering and association. The results are as follows: (1) statistical prescription medication involves 197 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, with an average of 14 flavors of each prescription and simplification of drug use. (2) statistical analysis of the frequency of drugs in the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine shows that the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine from high to low is Glycyrrhiza, Rhizoma Atractylodes, Poria, chicken inner gold, Scutellaria, Fritillaria, Radix Astragalus, Pinellia ternata, tulips, trifoliate Shell, Tianlong, turtle shell, centipede, centipede, cat claw grass, Magnolia officinalis, wolfberry, Chen peel, etc. (3) through the classification and statistical analysis of high frequency traditional Chinese medicine, it is found that the main prescription drugs included in this study are mainly supplementation of deficiency drugs, collaterals, physical Qi drugs, warm and cold phlegm drugs, followed by clearing heat and detoxifying, activating blood and removing blood stasis, chemical wetting medicine, clearing heat and phlegm medicine, digestion medicine, Combined analysis of the efficacy of high frequency medicine, it was found that the main treatment was "Fuzheng, Tongluo, detoxification". Among them, it emphasizes nourishing qi and nourishing Yin, caring for the spleen and stomach, then treating the phlegm, dissipating carbuncle, eliminating damp, and activating blood and removing stasis. (4) through the analysis of sexual taste through high frequency traditional Chinese medicine, It is found that Professor Li Ping's clinical treatment is mainly used in the clinical treatment of Gan Wen tonic, Fuzheng Gu Ben, at the same time, not forgetting evil evil, attacking and supplementing both; five flavors of Gansu, Xin Kai bitterness, Qi regulating qi machine; return to the spleen mainly, pay attention to the spleen and stomach, care for the stomach qi. (5) through clustering, association analysis all found the use of Fuzheng Tongluo detoxification, and pay attention to protect the spleen and stomach, and attach importance to the spleen and stomach, this knot On the basis of the analysis and data mining of 1169 clinical prescriptions, it is concluded that most of the clinical prescriptions use Fuzheng Tongluo detoxification, and pay attention to the spleen and stomach, and care for the stomach qi.
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