发布时间:2018-06-09 12:23
本文选题:王彦恒 + 脑主神明 ; 参考:《北京中医药大学》2016年博士论文
【摘要】:王彦恒老中医在精神科专科医院的中医科从事临床工作逾55年,临床经验丰富,形成了独特的中医精神科学术思想,具有相当的代表性,研究王老的学术思想与临床经验,对于中医精神科学术发展和传承十分必要。学术思想渊源王老学术思想渊源受到传统中医的神志病学说,如心主神明学说、五神脏理论、癫狂痫学说、郁证学说和有关情志病治肝学说等的深远影响,但主要还是受到以下三个学说的影响:第一,是伤寒学派阳明病有关学说;第二,活血化瘀学说;第三,中西医结合思潮和实践。学术思想特点王老主张脑主神明,注重脑神在神志病和各种疾病发病和传变中的作用,强调在神志病治疗中治脑调神,其中最为重视活血、清热、补肾。主张百病治疗康复要治脑调神,怪病、难症治疗不忘脑神,防病调神。王老主张,脑主神明,以通为用。脑神“不通则乱,乱则不通”是脑神病的基本病机,活血通脑是最重要的治则治法。肾脑相通,“精”“神”互用,肾精不足,脑髓失养是脑神病基本病机之二,补肾强脑、安神宁神是治疗脑神病的基本治法之二。热扰脑神,热毒上攻,是脑神病的基本病机之三,清热宁脑乃为脑神病的基本治法之三。王老治疗精神科药物反应和精神科药源性疾病主要采取清热、养阴、解毒和活血之法,主张治未病,讲究治病时机,积极探索辨证使用西药。主要临床经验1.关于精神分裂症(癫病)王彦恒老师认为,精神分裂症属于中医癫病范畴,是精神科最常见的病种。但中医癫病的临床范围大于精神分裂症,很多伴有精神病性症状的疾患也可以诊为中医的癫病,均可以在治疗原发病的基础上参考癫病进行辨证论治。王彦恒老师早年总结癫病的病机规律为:“始发于肝,并发于心,失调于脏,上扰于脑,癫病乃作”。王彦恒老师经验中癫病治疗临床思路,强调掌握以下三点:第一抓住证候特征,第二分析病位,第三确定病性,癫病之病性,为本虚标实,初期为邪实,中期为虚实夹杂,后期以虚为主。邪实即气滞、痰盛、血瘀;正虚即气、血、津液亏虚。脑神、五脏功能下降,应注意整体调理。王老认为中医治疗癫病,要时时不忘“治未病”和“治病求本”,不要仅仅紧盯住症状本身,过分重视中西药物的作用;应时时从不同角度、不同层面把握患者的心理、情志、脑神因素,对患者所关注的婚恋、生活、工作问题予以积极的指导和引导,治未病,防止癫病向阴性症状(癫病呆症)发展和药源性疾病的产生。王老主张,癫病康复的关键在于预防复发。2.双相情感障碍(狂郁病) 王彦恒老师认为双相情感障碍的临床虽然表现为两种矛盾情绪状态(狂、郁)的情感精神疾病,却有着内在统一的病机,二者可以相互转换,郁久可以化火,火性炎上则化为狂;狂久则耗伤气血阴阳,导致阴阳不足,气机升发不利而为郁,从狂而转郁,由此而见狂郁兼见或转换,治疗难度较大。抑郁发作的治疗思路必须掌握以下三点:第一,抓住证候特征;第二,确定病位;第三,确定病性。躁狂状态的治疗思路是要对四诊获得的临床资料进行全面综合分析,确定病位、病性及制定相应的治法、用药,是提高疗效,缩短疗程的关键所在。对待双相情感障碍的转相问题,要注意其内在机制,一方面可能是本病病势的自然体现,另一方面要考虑到与应用的药物有关。应及时调整药物和药量,不可过亦不可不及,临床上要根据正虚邪实的进退情况灵活运用药物。3.抑郁障碍(郁病) 温阳肾开郁是王老从肾论治脑神病的一个重要学术思想。王老主张,传统的郁证和癫病都很难包容我们现在所说的抑郁障碍范畴,肾阳不足,全身气机动力不足,是郁病(抑郁障碍)的重要病机之一。在使用温阳开郁法治疗抑郁障碍时,温阳补肾是关键与核心。温肾扶阳,但不可过于温燥。4.焦虑障碍焦虑症的症状“点多面广”,病因涉及心理因素、社会因素、生理因素;其病位在脑而涉及五脏六腑,特别是脑、心、肾;病机是各种身心因素引起的脑神不宁、神机不畅。肾阴不足,脑神失养是焦虑症病机病性之本。焦虑的临床复杂病机类型包括脏腑未损,神机紊乱;寒热并见,虚实夹杂;上热下寒,症状繁杂等。王老治疗焦虑症,首重调养脑神,滋阴、清热、理气并举,安心神、镇肝魂以重镇祛为常法;辨别标本,补泻兼施;慎用温补,见寒慎用祛寒,不忘散郁;清上温下,不忘调理脾胃。若已长期使用西药,要注意解毒,更重清热养阴。焦虑患者要怡情养性,加强户外运动,饮食宜清淡。中西医结合治疗焦虑症,就是要发挥两个医学体系的不同价值观、不同诊治方法的优势,取“西药起效快,中医治根本”的双重优势,以病人为本,尽快取得疗效,缩短病程,减少病痛和残留症状,加快康复。5.中医防治精神科药物不良反应 王老主张中医防治精神科药物不良反应要注意发挥自身优势。王老对精神药物导致不良反应和药源性疾患的总体认识是:“药物毒邪,始发于胃,并发于脾,侵及脏腑;病势多途,筋骨受损,伤正毁形,诸病皆生。”治疗精神科药物不良反应,如迟发性运动障碍、药源性闭经,要特别注意,清热,养阴,活血,解毒是常用方法。在精神科防治药毒关键是抓住“治未病”的时机。基于中医传承辅助平台2.5对王彦恒老师用药经验进行了初步统计分析。将筛选出的1903个处方转录入中医传承辅助平台2.5的“方剂分析”模块进行统计分析,包括频次统计、组方规律、新方分析。通过软件统计,总结出王彦恒老师治疗脑神病的主要药物和主要组合规律。分析显示王彦恒老师治疗脑神病常用治法,包括活血、清热(阳明热)、镇肝、补肾、养阴、通便、解毒、行气、化痰等。依据关联规则网络展示图所展示的支持度40%的核心组合是由川芎、丹参、菊花、石膏、珍珠母、山萸肉、何首乌、炒枣仁这七味药组成。这个核心组合可以看作是王彦恒老师治疗各种脑神病的核心方剂。该数据分析研究还深层次揭示了王彦恒老师脑神病治疗的一些具体用药规律。健脾补肾法治疗精神分裂症阴性症状研究本研究对精神分裂症阴性症状的西医研究现状进行了综述,提示对于精神分裂症阴性症状的治疗,非典型抗精神病药物、抗精神病药物联合阿立哌唑或氨磺必利,抗精神病药物联合抗抑郁剂、抗精神病药物联合心理行为治疗以及抗精神病药物联合经颅磁刺激治疗均能使患者获益。对中医、中西医结合治疗精神分裂症进行了全面综述,提示其主要病因病机是脾肾两虚(脾肾阳虚)。对脾藏意主思的神经心理学内涵进行了初步探讨,脾藏意主思,对人体信息的接受、识别、短期记忆、初步加工处理,提取、初步储藏关系密切,即对初步形成思维、短时记忆相关,而相应的肾主封藏的功能与信息的深度处理、长期记忆有关,由此可以假设脾意与肾志精神活动的认知与情感功能具有不同程度的联系,并体现在认知与情感活动的不同环节。如果出现脾虚,脾藏意主思的功能下降,相应的记忆学习功能就会出现认知障碍和负性情绪障碍。脾藏意主思的这些认知、情感内涵与脾脏的功能性质高度一致,并与肾藏志主恐的内涵相区别。脾虚脾意不足容易出现相应认知情感功能失常。对精神分裂症和精神分裂症的阴性症状中医范畴和中医病名进行了思考,建议将精神分裂症的阴性症状,称为“癫病呆证(或癫呆症、癫呆病)”探讨了健脾(意)治疗精神分裂症阴性症状的中医理论基础,在老师补肾法治疗阴性症状的基础上,提出运用健脾(意)补肾(志)法治疗精神分裂症阴性症状(癫病呆证),是对老师经验和学术观点的发展与创新。由于健脾与补肾作用对认知过程和情感过程环节不同,二者的作用存在叠加和加强,推测健脾补肾治疗阴性症状的疗效会优于单纯补肾法。对健脾补肾法治疗精神分裂症阴性症状进行了临床观察:目的:精神分裂症阴性症状是精神科疾病主要致残因素,尚无可靠治疗方法。根据中医五脏和“五神藏”理论,阴性症状应与“脾”和“肾”有关。因此本研究试用健脾补肾法治疗精神分裂症阴性症状,探讨本病的中医治疗规律。方法:选取男性精神分裂症患者、符合中医虚证标准60例,随机分为两组,治疗组予以利培酮的同时服用健脾补肾汤剂。对照组服用利培酮的同时服用补肾汤剂。疗程为12周。利培酮用量为2-4mg。分别于基线(入组第一天)、第4、8和12周末进行量表评定,精神症状评定用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)。全部数据应用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计处理。对阳性症状量表总分、阴性症状量表总分、7个阴性症状量表分分别进行了重复测量数据多因素方差分析(MANOVA)。结果:对阳性症状量表分,治疗组、对照组治疗前后有明显差异,但是两组间无显著性差异。对阴性症状量表分,治疗组、对照组治疗前后有明显差异,且12周末时两组间有显著性差异,治疗组改善优于对照组。对各阴性症状量表亚量表分,治疗组、对照组治疗前后有明显差异,且12周末时治疗组对情感退缩、交谈缺乏自发性和流畅性、刻板思维等亚量表分改善优于对照组,尤其是治疗组在4、8、12周末时对情感交流障碍亚量表分改善优于对照组。讨论:健脾补肾法比单纯补肾法对精神分裂症患者阴性症状改善作用更加全面。健脾补肾法治疗精神分裂症阴性症状(癫病呆症)值得深入研究。
[Abstract]:Wang Yanheng ' s traditional Chinese medicine has been engaged in clinical work for more than 55 years in the medical department of the specialty hospital of the psychiatric department . The clinical experience is abundant . It has formed a unique academic thought and clinical experience of TCM . It is very necessary to study the academic development and inheritance of the traditional Chinese medicine .
Second , the theory of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis ;
Third , the Chinese and western medicine combined with thought and practice . Wang Lao advocated the role of brain god in the pathogenesis and transmission of various diseases , and emphasized the role of the brain god in the pathogenesis and transmission of various diseases . The main clinical experience was that the schizophrenia belonged to the basic pathogenesis of the brain ' s disease . The clinical idea of treating epilepsy in the experience of Wang Yanheng ' s teacher is to grasp the following three points : the first grasping the syndrome characteristics , the second analyzing the disease position , the third determining the disease resistance and the disease resistance of the epilepsy .
The deficiency of qi , blood , body fluid and deficiency of body fluid is the deficiency of qi , blood and body fluid , and the functions of brain and five zang organs decrease , attention should be paid to the whole conditioning . Wang always thinks that the traditional Chinese medicine is treating epilepsy , should not forget to cure the disease " and " cure the disease " in time , don ' t just focus on the symptom itself , pay much attention to the effect of Chinese and western medicine ;
Wang Yanheng , a professor of bipolar disorder ( manic depression ) , believes that the clinical characteristics of bipolar affective disorder lie in two contradictory emotional states ( manic and depressed ) .
The treatment of depressive episode must grasp the following three points : First , grasp the syndrome characteristics ;
secondly , determining the disease position ;
Third , the treatment of manic state is to carry out comprehensive analysis on the clinical data obtained from four visits , to determine the disease position , the disease property and to develop the corresponding treatment method , the medicine is the key to improve the curative effect and shorten the course of treatment .
The disease is in the brain and involves five zang - fu organs , especially the brain , heart and kidney ;
The disease machine is caused by various psychological and psychological factors , and the Shenyin deficiency is caused by the deficiency of the kidney yin and the loss of the brain and mind is the disease of the anxiety disorder .
Cold and hot , see , false - solid inclusion ;
The king used to treat anxiety , head to nourish the brain , nourish yin , clear heat , regulate qi and lift , tranquilize the spirit , and the soul of the town is removed from the heavy town as the normal method ;
distinguishing the specimen and tonifying the diarrhea ;
Use temperature supplement carefully , see cold with caution and dispel cold , do not forget to disperse stagnation ;
The traditional Chinese medicine and the western medicine have the advantages of different values and different diagnosis and treatment methods , taking the patient as the book , achieving the advantages of different values of the two medical systems , shortening the disease course , reducing the pain and residual symptoms and accelerating the recovery . This paper reviews the current situation of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of schizophrenia negative symptoms , including blood circulation , heat clearing ( Yangming heat ) , antipsychotic drugs , combination of antipsychotic drugs , anti - psychotic drugs , psychobehavioral therapy and anti - psychotic drugs . Identification , short - term memory , preliminary processing , extraction and preliminary storage are closely related , that is , the function of the primary thinking and short - term memory is related to the depth treatment and long - term memory of the information . Objective : To study the effect of spleen tonifying and kidney tonifying in the treatment of schizophrenia negative symptoms ( PANSS ) .